Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 4 - Diane and the Monkeys

Family and Friends!

This past week has been a whirlwind crazy adventure. Once I got to Mississippi we stayed the night at the mission home. The next day was transfers..we drove to the gulf port stake center, there I met my trainer, Sister Hills and we drove back to Slidell, LA!
The people here are wonderful. We have a great ward. Sunday was a little different then I was used to because the ward is so much smaller. What they lack in size they make up for in spirit. They are a humble ward that you can tell everyone has a strong testimony of the Lord.
There is so much to say about Slidell!
Wednesday was my first day out in the field. We had a busy day  with appointments. I got to meet one of our progressing investigators. He is still praying to know if the book of Mormon is true. We get to meet with him again tonight! We also got to go tracting. When we go tracting we look for coins on the sidewalk. We made $0.17. lol
Everyone here talks about Katrina as if it happened yesterday. There is not one person we meet that doesn't end up telling us their story about Katrina and How it has affected their life. After the storm came through they had to check all of the homes. So on the garage doors their is a number (telling the date) with a big 'X' and another number under the 'X' (indicating how many bodies they found in the home) I have yet to see one that has a number at the bottom thank goodness.
On Saturday we were out Tracting for a few hours of the day. Little did we know there was a heat warning! ...yeah..I know... But it really wasn't that bad. (only 102 deg. with humidity)There are a lot of people that will give us water. We had a lot of success finding people that day. We found 5 houses in a row of people that said we could come back, they had talked with the missionaries before and had a copy of the book of Mormon. That hardly ever happens!
We were trying to find a referral we had received and couldn't find I suggested we try one more house. So we knock on the door and a lady opens the door. She explains" Is that a bible?... something just told me that you'd be coming with a bible!" She proceeded to tell us that she was in the process of recording a song for her son for fathers day titled " you are my angel" She invited us inside to listen to it. Her humble home did not have air conditioning. we listened to her sing her song and read us some of the things she had written about God. Then her countenance changed and she told us about the evil dark man that is boarding at her home and how she thinks hes trying to kill her. She asked us to pray for her..Then asked us if we could pray for her right them. I offered the prayer..In the middle of my prayer i paused for a second..and she started talking/ praying. I got prayer talked for my first time. It was really funny..but at the time I didn't not know what to do. After that we asked if we could share a message with her. We taught her about the restoration and how the book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ. we invited her to read and pray about it. She said she would when she could find her glasses.
After that she said she needed to give us a gift..Something for our trouble and for being so kind. She pulled out of the couch behind her these baby monkey statue doll things that she said she was going to give to her son. She wanted us to have them. Mine was a baby girl monkey with a shirt that said "little Sucker" and Sister Hills was a baby boy monkey that said "Go Bananas!"  Lets just say it was an experience i will not soon forget.
It was great to be able to go to church on Sunday. The ward is so wonderful. We had appointments set up to teach people and all fell through. It was hard to find anyone to talk to tracting because it was fathers day. The people we did talk to were very nice.. I haven't had a door slammed on me yet. Those of different religions here are very kind and have great respect for what we are doing. They are just very strong in their church.
There way of talking in the south is very different and there are little phrases We like to call "southernisms". I want to send one home every week..I will also let you know how much money we made tracting! lol
This weeks southernism is : Instead of saying "I'm getting ready to go "..they say.. "im a fixin to go.."
Tracting Tips made: $0.26  ( this is going towards our smoothie fund!)
I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored once again on the earth and I feel so blessed and honored to be able to share it with the people of the Slidell Area!
God Bless Y'all! :)
Sister Urie

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