Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 73..Young Womens..Baptism..At the Fair

Dear Family!
It was, yet again, another great week in Flowood, MS. Things are real life! We are finding so many people ( left and right!) and teaching like crazy! Thank you so much for your prayers and letters. I am working on responding to them all. I feel like this week was all a blur because so much happened. I'll do my best to remember as much as I can.
First..last Monday we went to the Fair...Jackson State Fair. Sounds pretty sketchy but it was really fun. We ended up meeting the Clinton Sisters and the Madison sisters there. I have included some pictures from the fair..we ate fried Gator! (have yall tried gator before?..well you'll love it! ) We "AI'd" ( Additional Invited..where you invite someone to do something that you meet at the store, on the street, basically anywhere besides tracting.) We brought cards with us and were giving them to everyone. Pretty fun!
Next story.. We didn't have a baptism this week. I remember last week I told you that Cody was going to get baptized?.. he was all set..we went over the baptismal interview questions with him and he was very ready..When we finally were able to get a hold of him Monday evening he told us that he wants to put off his baptism a month. His reason... He wants to be sure that the priesthood was restored to the Prophet Joseph Smith by John the Baptist and Peter, James and John. Pretty valid concern I'd say. It was just really sad for us because we love him so much and want him to be able to make this covenant with God. ..On the upside he still wants to keep meeting with us and he came to church on Sunday! Following the meetings he was able to sit down with bishop, get to know him and ask him some of his questions. I know that Cody will get baptized soon. ( for selfish reasons I hope its before I get transferred out of the area.) His Son is not looking into it for himself any more. We had a really great visit with Cody though, the other night, and he said he is going to push Noah a little harder about studying more of this. This family is going to be such a great contribution to the ward and to the work..Satan is working extra hard on them.
One reason we think his progress slowed down so much this week is because he was not able to come to the church and watch general conference with us. He has since been listening to it on his phone..It would have made a huge difference had he been able to see it that weekend. I feel his testimony would have been strengthen much more of the restored gospel.  I will update you more on them soon..hopefully with better news of his new baptism date!
Do you remember me telling you about that one family that we taught? ( I know ..I tell you about a lot of families?) this is the one that the dad went on and was talking with the missionaries their..then we showed up..? He has a friend who is a member from the Hattiesburg ward.. Well We were finally able to see him again after weeks and weeks of him not returning our phone calls (..yes that was a sign) and not being able to catch him home.. We asked him after if he had been able to read anymore..His response is he wasn't really into the Book of mormon or anything anymore because there is no factual evidence. There are different things they have found that make the bible factual..such as Noah's ark..or pots that say Goliath name on it..but nothing from the people in the book of mormon.. So i asked him if he could see a pot from that time then would he believe?.. It is so silly to me that people seek for tangible evidence. Is not the testimony of so many witnesses enough? also is not the book of mormon evidence enough?... We asked him from what source he was getting all this information..he named some anti ( people who were once members and had left the church ) websites. Yeah..there's some great hard facts for ya!... He was also concerned that Joseph wasn't a true prophet because not all of his revelations and prophesies had come true he said.. false. he brought up the temple in Kirkland.. Also he brought up that he didn't think Joseph could've seen God because no one can look upon Gods face and live..he said that Moses didn't see god face to face..false.. at this point sister Johnson and I knew his window of learning was closed and his heart was to hard to even let the truth in..So I said..oh So what about Stephen? that he replied..who?.. well in the bible he saw god face to face.. he was a little taken back..had to throw that out there..and we left. There is no point in talking to people if they are not going to try to learn truth with the help of the Holy Spirit..because it is by the power of the spirit that we can know the truth of all things. ( we did not bible bash with this man..Ive never bible bashed and wont ever..just kinda funny that he keeps trying to get facts from everywhere but the true source.)
Even though we didn't have a baptism we were able to go to one on Saturday in Clinton for a sweet 9 year old girl that I helped teach when I was there. Very fun. :)
I have included some pictures of a lesson we had with a little boy teaching him he plan of salvation..used sidewalk chalk! fun stuff!
.. So Sunday we finally had all the hours of church it was great! it really feels weird when we only have one. We were finally able to teach the young woman lesson on dating ( funny huh?) It turned out great and the girls.. I hope really enjoyed it.
So we have zone conference this Wednesday..Elder Nash from the 70 is coming..cant wait to tell ya more about it! :)
Well that's pretty much it on the week for me.. Things are crazy..things are great.. just finding and teaching like crazy.. please pray were guided to the members who have friends who are prepared to receive the restored gospel! I know with all my heart that there was a great apostasy..and that the authority needed to be resorted to the earth. The power of god is on the earth again. The power to bind on earth and bind in heaven. Something we should shout from the roof tops! This is joy..that Christ lives! I Know it..and God loves us.
Hope yall have a wonderful week! Love, Sister Urie.
bah! next week I have to tell you about he catholic priest..gonna go do service someones moving in...if I don't get to come back remind me to tell you about him!  love ya!
Scripture: 2 Nephi 4:35
Southernism: "If only the best and loudest little birdies sang, the the forest would be silent."  ( not sure if its a southernism..but i liked was someone encouraging us to sing louder at a meeting.ha)
Tracting Tips: 2 pennys...

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