Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 71-

Dear Family,
I cant even begin to tell you how disappointed I am that yall didn't get my letter from last week. It was my longest one yet and had the best stories yet.. but No use crying over spilled milk..So I will attempt to tell yall the stories again, and tell yall the stories from this week too!
So..It was, yet again, another great week in Flowood,MS. I will start by telling you about this week and moving on to last week...To be honest not much happened this week. It was a pretty weird, "UN-eventful" week. ( To be honest a lot happened..but none story worthy like last week.. )
Last week we had a miracle happen. Our investigator ( the one who didn't think we believed in birthdays) came to church and brought his son! Backing up to Saturday, the day before Sunday and them both coming to church. we were going to meet with them but they had to cancel to get some things we just dropped by..we had a great lesson with them. During the lesson we asked the dad ( who we'll call Cody) if he hoped the book of mormon was true, believed it was true, or knew it was true. Cody told us that he believed it was true. He also showed some concern about if he would be ready for his baptism date. We told him that we had prayed about that date and felt good about it..but that its for him and that he needs to ask God to confirm if that is right for him. SO that he did! ..( I will tell you about church now..then about his answer).. So he came to church and brought his son! Cody's son loved church ( he is 15yrs old) and told us he liked it even better then the church hes going to now. His son wants to get involved in scouts and we were talking to Cody's son about how there are many opportunities for leadership in the church Cody pipped in and said.."yeah! and when you learn more about the priesthood, you will see many more opportunities.."  Who says that!? Why even knows that! ..mind you we still need to teach him the commandments. which is another funny thing..we went over this last week and brought him the word of wisdom, law of chastity and tithes and offerings pamphlets also a true to the faith and our heritage book...he read them in a night and when we talked with him he had already read through all of the pamphlets ( he found them to be "healthy and wholesome" lol ) and was already halfway through true to the faith.. Another great thing was during that visit he was working on cleaning up his house and making things look nice so that he could have some more home visits. :).. So Sunday! last Sunday we had a meeting with Cody and his son at a members house. It was a great great visit. The member is great fellowship for the both of them. During the visit Cody said " I prayed about it and want to be baptized on October 13th..what do I need to do to be prepared for that date?" AMAZING! this just doesn't is and was such a blessing from heaven..
Also this last week we had an investigator that was a referral from a nonmember. Sweetest little non member lady who gave us the referral of her daughter in law? Do you remember me telling ya about that?..well the daughter in law and her daughter are so sweet and loved us coming over..and wanted us to come back! So that day we came back for the appointment that we set on p-day?.. Not home..So we were going to set up another appointment..but she called us and said she would talked with her 'spiritual adviser who told her that we worshiped Joseph smith and believed that Jesus Christ was just a prophet.. ha! Don't know who your spiritual adviser is but I hope you're not paying him... Come to find out her spiritual adviser was her neighbor that is a baptist preacher... long story short..(because I just found the email from last week.). Once we found out it was her birthday she let us come over and bring her a cupcake. we helped address her concerns and all was well. She committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. when we went over for our visit this past week she was super sick so we have had to reschedule and will let you know how progress with this family goes this week.
Also the other great family we were working with never made it to Wednesday night book of mormon class so we are going to have to followup with them and ill let you know!
This week.. we haven't really been able to see Cody this weekend since he went out of town..but were meeting with him today. Its been raining so much and pretty cold and dreary outside..its nice to not have the humidity.
We were blessed with the opportunity to go watch the Relief Society General broadcast. It was so wonderful. Two points that stood out to me were first.. The doctrine of the atonement was one of the focuses. It is so important that we know and teach the doctrine..that is what will change hearts.. Also I loved president Eyrings remarks..If only we viewed visiting teaching as more then going over to teach a lesson to sisters in the ward. Teaching is so much more then talking and telling. it is about caring and loving and teaching by example. As the old saying goes..No one cares how much you know( and the things you can share with them..)until they know how much you care! ... Think about it.
To be honest this week was a little off..probably because we had such a wonderful week the last week. I am so grateful to the people who wrote me such wonderful letters and the prayers that were said in my behalf and for the work..they were felt. Thank you..
Last thing about this week....we asked someone this week how their scripture study was going..a simple question.. I would have you ask that of your selves..and even of myself. how is our scripture study going? I know we have time for it..we ask this of so many people..and before we ask them this question they had to turn off the we know they have time for their scriptures.. why do we let things that are not going to help us grow spiritually rob us of our precious time of probation here on earth? Yes I know I am not in the "real world"..but it is true.. we do have time. It is how we each choose to spend it that is the beauty of agency... 
Which brings us to yesterday,only one hour of church again..all the priesthood were asked to go back down to the coast and help clean up..that makes 3 weeks that they have got down to help with Issac clean up. Crazy if ya ask me. Following church we had a baptism for another youth in the ward. It was great to see the baptism. there is such a great spirit that comes when the ordinance is performed... the great part about yesterday was that it was fast Sunday and we had this less-active couple we have been working with come to church! It has been 20years since they had been to church. It was such a humbling experience to hear the wife bear her testimony about how important it is to not let silly things keep you from coming. When we first started visiting with them they were so grateful and told us that no one from the church had been to see them in 20 years! After 5-7 weeks or so of going over at least once a week they came back! We just need to love people into obedience and make them feel welcome. Everyone was so glad to see them at church. Fellowship and callings will be key to help them stay active.
Well that is it for me on the week..I found last weeks email so hopefully yall well enjoy both of the weeks of stories.. apologize for the repeats.. Hope yall share the gospel and be good!
Keep the Faith and have a blessed week!
Sister Urie.
Southernism: "Jibber Jabering" ( talking) .."slobber Knocker" ( I guess this is a phrase used for someone who is showing out.. (showing off.ha ))
Scripture:3 Nephi 11:31-41 "and this is the doctrine" of Christ. :) The good news! he lives and there is a way to return to the father. I know that he lives and that if we have faith in him and repent..we can be saved!
Tracting Tips: 3 cents!

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