Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 24:Clean Apartment, "I'm almost a grown up!" and the Media Referral.‏

Dear Friends and Family,

Things have been a little crazy but great! Another great week in Slidell, LA. So here is the update...

My companion has been really sick with stomach problems. So if you could please keep Sister VanRoosendaal in your prayers I would appreciate it. I know there is so much power in prayer and that the Lord answers all prayers. No prayer ever goes unanswered. It is up to us to have faith sufficient that our prayers will be answered. I have always thought that the Lords timing was a funny thing, when in reality it is our timing that is funny.  As a result of her being sick I have had a lot of time to be in the apartment to study, ponder and clean! Let me just tell you..our area book, fridge and closet look great. Also I am really far into my Book of Mormon reading! This week I learned that patience is not just getting through but it really means (by definition) "Calmly striving."
There are so many other things i have learned from my studies, but i will spare you the details :)

Here is an overview of our week...  Monday we had to be in early because of Halloween. Preparation day ends at 6 and we had to be in at 7pm. We decided to go contact our media referral with the hour time we had. So we drove out to see them. ( Husband and wife that went to the Mormon Battalion in San Diego and wanted to learn more about the church!) They had so many questions. There main concern is why bad things happen to good people. The husbands first wife died three years ago due to cancer. His wife was a great woman, went to church every week and got sick. He does not know why something so tragic could happen to someone so good. The same story with his current wife. Her husband was a great man and passed away. They remarried each other and are very happy now, yet just do not understand. We shared with them the restoration of the gospel and are going back tonight ( 11/7/11) to teach them the plan of salvation and also to share with them about why bad things happen to good people.( the Book of Mormon answers the questions of the soul. I cannot wait to update you on them!
So we had a pretty great Halloween. Stayed inside and ate Cheddar and broccoli soup in our bread bowls. Yummy thank you thank you!!

The rest of the week is semi a blur..but!  Here is a funny story..

So we went to teach a lesson to a boy that just turned 8 and is thinking about getting baptized. We asked his little brother, who is four years old, How old he was..he put up four fingers and said " I am almost a grown up!" Then Sister Foster (we were on exchanges) asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up..she told him her son was a firefighter. He said he did not want to be that..then she asked him.." What about a Police Man?" To that he replied.."OH! I Love that Costume!!". It was very cute.

Another story..We talked to this lady at Winn Dixie( a worker)..she was in her twenties. We had to go to get some things and I was determined to turn it into a finding activity. So as we were walking out i asked her if she had a church to go to ..she said she did and I tried to give her a card, but she didn't really want it. somehow i got her to take it, and it was one of those situations where we just wanted to get out of there..she said that she saw us in there all the time.. so we went to leave and i ran into the metal thing that holds all the coupons/store magazine things.. and went to go out the door..but it was the exit! so we could not get out.. so we had to walk by the lady we handed the card to again. Lets just say it was super embarrassing!! Sister VanRoosendaal said what you tell me all the time Mom.."I just cant take you anywhere.." And it is true. You cannot. :) "And thus we see".. even missionaries have embarrassing moments and have a hard time sharing the gospel with people! So talk to all your friends dear family. lol

Been calling a lot of people and trying to help my poor sick friend. I feel so bad for her. Please pray for her. One thing that they told us when we were going to train is that they will be one of your greatest converts. Also all those who are your companions in the field are going to be your greatest converts..This had made me reflect a great deal on how if that is the case on the mission, in life, how much more so your eternal companion (husband or wife) is your greatest convert! If this is the case how should we treat our spouses? Just think about it..

Southernism: "Grilled Chicken and sausage with beef gumbo" ( Picture included) I found this at Winn Dixie..only in the south. :)

Oh and P>S>.. i guess there was a huge game going on Monday night.. lets just say no use in tracting because everyone turned us away.
Tracting Tips: Zero
Scripture: Alma 53:19-22 I love that it says the people of Ammon had never been a "disadvantage..(but) they became..a great support."  Also! I love the Christlike attributes that are mentioned describing those stripling warriors.

Well that's the story! I will keep you updated. .Hope you have a great week. Love you and hope all is well!

Love, Sister Urie

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