Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 26 - 852.7 miles, More cupcakes, Spaghetti dinner, and Happy national hug a Mormon day!‏

Dear Family!

There is so much to tell you this week and so many pictures!

Soo..heres the story..
Sister V is still pretty sick ( Thank you for keeping her in your prayers) We drove to Jackson and Hattiesburg, MS 3 times this week..for a grand total of 852.7 miles in three days! Yes you heard me. Crazy huh? We got to go on an exchange with Clinton as a result and I got to serve  ( for a few hours) with Sister Harding again! ( my MTC companion.)
On Wednesday we had a leadership training meeting in Jackson. At this meeting we learned more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( which is the core of everything) and we also focused a great deal on 'how to begin teaching'. It was a wonderful meeting! They showed us the Preach my gospel train and how if we are not helping our investigators understand the importance of different things such as church attendance, reading the book of mormon, prayer..ect. (these things are the different cars on the train) If these are not done then they cars detach from the train then the train will only have the engine left. ( The engine being the gospel of Jesus Christ) and it will drive off without us. No es bueno!
Also learned that the future of missionary work is I- pads. All I have to say to that is.."Don't care how I want it now! " :) lol
So that night we all went to this really gross Mexican restaurant..yes'm that is what the picture is of. Oh I do miss real salsa!
So Thursday we had to drive back to hattiesburg and the Picayune sisters came with us because they had a doctors appointment i mentioned earlier..all of us are sick..( except me).. While we were in Hattiesburg waiting for them to come out of the doctor my legs were hurting from sitting so much so I decided to run around the car a couple of times.. ( yes i know, I am crazy and looked ridiculous, but I did it anyway)  So I ran around the car a couple of times then i stopped to stretch.. while i was stretching I look and there is this car that pulls rather quickly into the parking lot and then these three girls jump out of the car and run over to me and say "are you a sister missionary?" I am sure I looked rather confused because to this i said "yes?" rather questionably and they replied " Don't worry were members of the church!! It is national hug a Mormon day and we saw you and wanted to come give ya'll a hug." We took some pictures together. It was so funny. I was so worried when they first ran up to us. Needless to say I am glad I was prompted to run around the car.
Oh! Another cool story... Sister V. and I our first time going up to Jackson we had this desire to take pictures by the welcome to Mississippi we did! Once we were done and got further down the road we saw this huge chemical truck accident. Had we not stopped to take pictures we would have been right by him when the accident happened. Gotta love the power of prayer to keep us safe!

Our ward had a spaghetti dinner/ auction on Friday night. I love the ward we are in right now so much, they really try so hard to help the youth in all aspects of the work. They raised a lot of money that night and it was a well attended event with a lot of non members and investigators. Alsooo please tell Uncle Steve that I really missed his Auctioneer voice!

Well that is pretty much it on the week. Hopefully we will have more stories to report for this coming week! I love ya'll and hope all is going well. Please let me know what I can do to help with anything. I promise I am trying really hard to make time count and make every day the greatest day ever!

Love you!

Sister Urie

Tracting tips..: Nothing! It has been soo humid lately and very foggy/misty..weird! lol

Southernism: we were at the doctors and the lady said.." I need to 'axe' you a few questions" ( axe=ask) lol
alsoo! heard this the other day.. did you know a hee-haw is a hoe-down? pretty cool
Scripture: So i realised the other day.. it just hit me while i was studying.. we need to have faith not only in Jesus Christ, but faith in The Atonement that Jesus Christ performed for us! Faith that it did happen, Faith that because of this atonement we are redeemed from the fall and that we can be cleansed from all our sins! An amazing gift. Free for the taking. :) The Bible Dictionary says that " The atonement is conditional, however, so far as each person's individual sins are concerned, and touches every one to the degree that he has faith in Jesus Christ, repents of his sins, and obeys the gospel." I just love the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

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