Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 50: Stake Conference, Good times at the library and The amazing lessons.‏‏

Dear family!
How y'all doing?! I love y'all and miss you and cannot wait to be able to Skype with you on Sunday. Everyday is great..but it will be a great day to be able to speak with you on Mothers day.
Transfers are fast approaching. This is the last week in the transfer actually.. week 6! Time has been going too quickly and is starting to make me just a little sick. I have so much left to learn. I know that as I keep on keepin on and remain obedient that Heavenly Father will help me to return with honor. Training is going well and I am excited for whatever the Lord has in store next. No..I have no idea what  could happen with transfers..wither I will stay or she will stay..or we both stay in Clinton. No man knoweth! All I know is whatever happens next will be the will of the Lord and that he will provide a way for me to accomplish whatever lies ahead.

This week we had stake conference. The theme was Faith. One thing that President Tucker asked everyone to do, that they had been taught at a meeting with Elder Gonzolas of the 70 was to hold a family night and hand each member of the family a small piece of paper. On this paper have them either write an H, B or K. These letters stand for either. H for..I hope that the Book of Mormon is true.. B for..I believe that the book of Mormon is true..and K for..I know that the book of Mormon is true. Doing this exercise will help us to see and evaluate where each of us stand with the book of Mormon and How we are using it in our lives.

There were many other wonderful things said at this conference. it never ceases to amaze me how the spirit speaks to each of us and shares with each of us what we need to hear and know, so that we can improve and become what our Heavenly Father needs us to become. I also had the privilege to perform a musical number with some wonderful members. We played I need thee every hour. ( we did this a few weeks ago in church). It went well and yes I did get a recording of it. It amazes me how much I have been able to play the Violin on my mission.

This week we had some great teaching moments and experiences. The first of these that I want to share with you happened while we were at the library "mormon.orging". I sat at a computer by someone and my sound on the computer I was at was not working! So I asked him if he knew how to fix it..he did not. So I just switched computers. After I had switched and the sound worked he asked if I got it to working. I took this opportunity to say yes and Share with him the videos.. He watched about 3 videos and then I asked him if he would like to learn more. To which he said sure! So we loaned him a copy of the Book of Mormon and set up to meet with him at the Library tomorrow afternoon. I am really excited and just pray that he is sincere and will really give place in his heart for the Word. Recommended that he read 3 Nephi 11 when Christ comes.

After that experience we somehow randomly ended up going into one of the event rooms where they were having a promotional thing for a new magazine for girls that came out and we met many people..AI'd a lot and also got to do some Zumba. good times in Clinton. 

Another experiences is we went with the Relief Society president this week..and many other days in previous weeks to contact these two people..and finally this week we were actually able to see them with her! There is a time to sow and a time to reap..and heavenly father showered us with blessings and we were able to meet with these two families and set return appointments to go teach them! One of the families has an almost 12 year old son who has not been baptized yet that wants to take the lessons! We are meeting with them this evening for our first lesson. We are very excited.
The next amazing experience, we had two hours to go work before a dinner appointment and after helping set up at the church for the wedding reception..So we set off to go to the street we had planned to try some potentials on. We ended up teaching 5 other lessons and loaned 4 copies of the Book of Mormon. It was amazing. Blessings from heaven! We went from practically nothing to so many lessons all in two hours.a True blessing.

We had a wedding reception for a member of the ward this week..and we got to help set up for it. it went over well and it was nice to help and see so many members of the ward. Also..I never want to hear another love song again. It was weird! Lol

Well that is it for the amazing blessings..I mean they do keep coming but those are the ones I really wanted to share with you. The lord Loves us and knows all of our situations..
Well remember that day i told you about where we taught all those lessons.. well Sister Aebischers "gator shoes" " bit her foot" we went and got her some new shoes. She is stylin now in some really cute clarks! lol

hmm..what else. We have had some crazy rain and as a result I have not been able to learn to mow a lawn and we were going to go fishing today

Crazy rain...and no fishing or mowing the lawn..Guess the Lords tryin to me something? I am very sad..but one day it will work out!

Well that's the story.. I am so grateful for the chance I have to serve a mission.. i am growing, changing and learning so much and I know that the work we are doing is true! If only the world really knew and understood the message we have people would be lining up to be baptized.
I love y'all and hope you have a wonderful week! keep the faith!
Sister Urie
Southernism: "Where there is no struggle there is no strength." -sign on the side of the road
Tracting tips: We found a quarter!!..and a few cents. pretty great week.
Scripture: "We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day." Richard G. Scott ( The Transforming power of faith and character. Oct.2010 general conference)

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