Tuesday, August 30, 2011

week 14 -This is the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Hello Friends and Family!

How are ya'll doing? I hope everything is going well!

Things are going great here in Slidell, LA! We have been having some slow weeks because we just baptized our teaching pool, but things are starting to look up! We are approaching a reaping season! I see now why they say missionary work is so hard. You are not always teaching lessons and baptizing people..there are a lot of seeds you need to plant and sow before anything like that can happen. We have found a lot of success from member referrals.

This week we had another sister with us, Sister McPheeters, from Picayune. Her companion is sick and so she came with us to Slidell for a week. It was been really fun..and adventure you could say. We Biked on Thursday. They weather wasn't too bad. The other two sisters were sweating and couldn't figure out why i wasn't drenched in sweat as well.. I told them.. " I do not sweat..I glisten"...but i really was sweating. It is very hot here! It was 104 deg. with 50% humidity on Friday. We about Died! ( I think I included the picture of the thermometer we saw)

So we actually had some lessons to teach this week. What a blessing!

Tuesday we went to see One of our Recent converts who hasn't been coming to church due to some work issues. We went over to visit her  and she said she had quit her job and she was free to come back to church and for us to come over! her phone kept going off during our visit with her. Wednesday comes and we get a text from her saying she and her sister can come to book of Mormon class. ( We have tried to teach her sister before. She said she was atheist and acted very disinterested and blew us off.) They both came to class and she enjoyed it but she said she had A LOT of questions for us. The lesson that night was on Prophets and she was really interested to know how there was a prophet on the earth today. We set up a time to go see her at our Recent converts house Friday. So to make a long story short.. The person that kept calling our recent converts phone was her sister (Her sister has 4 little kids.) Due to recent deaths in the family her sisters kids have been freaking out and asking her sister,we will call her jess, a bunch of questions. Now she wants to know for herself and for her kids. We had to start with the basics with her when we went over on Friday to teach her. At the end of the lesson we invited Jess to say the closing prayer. She asked if her kids could come in for the prayer..we said of course. and she called all her kids in and we all knelled on the ground. Jess offered the most heart felt, sweet prayer. It was so simple and the spirit was so strong. after the prayer Jess and her sister were both in tears and when we asked her how she felt she said great and she was going to do this every night with her kids. It was great.

Another Story!

 So.. A few weeks ago..( I believe it was last transfer.) we had to go get our oil changed.) I was a new missionary and just knew i needed to talk with everyone!..so I started talking at this lady at the dealership..She said she wasn't interested in the message but I gave her a mormon.org card any way and said to call if she need anything and to check out our website..
We got a call Tuesday night from her saying she went to the website and really wanted to meet with us. We set it up and went to visit her Wednesday after District meeting... Let me see if i can paint a good enough picture for you of this lady.. we will call her Helen. Helen is a little bit larger middle age woman who lives a lone. ( well she doesn't really live alone..she lives with her daughter) Her daughter is never really there and she thinks that she is off doing drugs. ( very sad) Helen lives in the hood of slidell. Very sketchy neighborhood. We get into her house and she tells us all about her life and such. ( a half hour passes) we finally get a chance to ask her about why she invited us over and she said she was lonely and wanted someone to talk with also she was a little interested in the book of Mormon. We tried to read it with her but she couldn't see it so we are going to take back a large print for her. After we had been there about an hour or so we said we needed to leave she shouted .."NO! you cant leave. there is a storm coming look!" so she turned on the news really loud and started showing us all about the hurricane that was coming and said we couldn't leave. She said her house was safe because there were a thousand prayers written and stapled inside the walls..also that she has AB- blood and that can be traced back to Jesus and that scientist have been doing tests on her...it was crazy..we finally got out of there. My story does not do it justice..I will give you the sequel to Helen when we go back to give her the large print book of Mormon. wish us luck!

Tracting Tips: $1.59

Southernism: "you loot we shoot" People had signs that said this in their front yards after hurricane Katrina
Scripture: Ether 3:5

Thank you for all your support and prayers. More stories to come next week!

Love Ya'll!

Sister  Urie

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