Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 10: More Rain...No investigators..but He came to church!‏

Dear Friends and Family!

How are you doing? I hope all is going well!

I am sad to say that there is not much for me to report this week.
This week was really slow and kind of discouraging. (yet I am discouraged because discouragement weakens faith!) Many appointments feel through this week and no one would let us in or meet with us. Sister Hills and I worked really hard and didn't have much to show for the week. It was crazy..Sister Hills told me that She has not had this much success on her mission before..and she had also never had such a bad week before. One of our potentials told us that someone needs to stop "burning the black candle". It is crazy how many bad things have been happening to our potentials! One lady had her dad go into the hospital, her daughter had an inner ear infection and her little girl had strep. Satan is working overtime here in Slidell!
..Now when I say that nothing happened this week..I really mean nothing. We were only able to teach 4 lessons.. very sad. We did however have two things happen.

First..Now what happens "in the mini van" stays "in the mini van"..but I had to share this story with you. Once a week we have to wash and vacuum our car. We always take our van through the drive through..( to save time and it's really inexpensive) So we were in the drive through and I thought..oh wouldn't it be bad if the back vents were open.. ( thought this because I remember all the times Jessi asked you, mom, to close the back vents) So I turned around and looked in the back of the van and soap was coming through the back vents!! It was crazy..I turned to Sister Hills and said " Hurry Close the Vents!" What an adventure that was. I couldn't stop laughing. It reminded me of willy wonka and the chocolate factory when they're in that one car machine and the soap is coming in. ( except on a much smaller scale.) I promise the van is fine.. we cleaned it up and no soap got in the carpet so we were good. Just a crazy time..

Second thing that happened this week.. We had someone come to church today!..No not an investigator..(because we have none as of right this second..) it was David!! David came walking through the door in his jeans and snake skin boots. Best day ever! It was so great to see him. (He has not been able to get in touch with the Laurel elders yet, but he will when he goes back next week. He is in town for the week and we are going to meet with him today.) It was so great to see him. He is just the "Pick me up" that Sister Hills and I needed. What made it even better is that He paid his tithing! He really is a great example of what it means to be anxiously engaged in a good cause. He loves the church! It was so exciting to see him. He stayed for all of church.
 One more things I forgot about. We had one of our Senior Sisters Leave, that was working at the employment center. It was really sad to see her go..but it is good that she is able to go home and see her family. We will miss Sister Goodin! :)
Well that is it for the week for me..not too much happening..but just wait next week is going to be crazy!
I love you and hope all is going well in Good ol Arizona!
Sister Urie
Tracting Tips: I have kind of lost count.. i will recount for next week..we earned..2 pennies. Once again a slow week. So much rain!!
Southernism: Roll " We are going to go 'roll' his house" ..( now i know what you're thinking..because i thought this too when i heard it..why are you going to roll that poor mans house down the hill!..but rolling is what we would call "Toilet papering" or "T-Ping" Crazy huh? )
Scripture: Mosiah 18:8-10

Oh! P.S: I am now the designated driver!.. look out slidell..here I come with Stacey's Mom the Mini van! ( Her name Is Stacey's mom..)haha
.. this week we went to the bayou country store..the Mexican restaurant we went to for my two month had good salsa but the food was a let down.

We went with Sister Goodin, Sister foster and Sister Goodins daughter to this swamp boardwalk. When they had gone to the beach sister goodin got a bunch of sea shells and thought they were fine..turned out to be hermit crabs! The escaped all over her car. Pretty funny. so we went with them to set them free..
Sorry I don't have more exciting success missionary stories this week. We are in a "sowing season"

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