Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 13 - Jesus is a Saints fan

Dear Friends and Family!
Hello Family and Friends, I love you all and miss you and hope all is going well. Things are going great here in Slidell, LA. Lots of Good people.
This was a great week. Not as slow as last week but still we are working very hard on finding new people to teach and working with the members to get referrals. It is so much easier to work with a member referral then to teach someone you met at the door. So please..invite your friends to church and to have dinner with you and the missionaries!
Here is the story.. Our whole mission is completely out of we are going to be biking here a lot in the next few weeks. (yes I will send pictures of the tassels on my bike.and no..I will not embarrass anyone and wear them around slidell.)
It is that time again. Football season. You know how it is when the game is on, you don't want to turn it off for anything..that is how everyone whose door we knock on is like. We never really know when the games are going to be on either. So it was a shock to us when we went to go visit one of our investigators and they were watching the saints game. they said come on in and get some food! so we sat in the room with them..not facing the TV and talked with them. Surprisingly enough they talked with us a lot instead of watching the game and then when it was time for us to go and share a spiritual thought he turned off the TV. We are working really hard to get him to come back to church. ( One of the pictures I sent you is of all the food they sent us home with..we are doing fine in the food department if you were
We have transfers today so I will report more on that next week. I am staying here this time and sister Hills is going to Picayune.
( transfers..)
OK! So here is another story.. We have found that one of the biggest problems with investigators not coming to church is that they do not feel comfortable coming because they do not have anything other then jeans to wear. So I had the Idea to start the 'Clothe Our Investigators Please/Program "C.O.I P! :) The relief society president announced it in relief society, anyone that has larger skirts or shirts that are nice and modest for church that would be willing to give it to us. This all started because one of our investigators and her daughter don't really have anything to wear to church, so we went to goodwill and bought them some skirts. I would love to tell you that they came to church..but they did not. we are hoping and praying that nothing will come up next week so that they are able to go. We are also going to work on fellowshipping them this week.
There is a story I forgot to tell you from last week that I thought was really funny.. ( dad don't freak out) So it was 10:40ish pm one night. I was almost asleep and we hear this lady out side our window saying something about a lost kid. and then we hear a knock at the we go and look through the peep hole and turn on the light inside..she bangs on the door again and yells.."it's your neighbor!" (yeah right like that gives her any credibility! lol) So we open the door and she tells us that our backyard is flooded that someones house is leaking. So we meet her around back and sure enough our whole backyard is almost flooded..she looks and says oh never mind..its not coming from your house and walks away..So we didn't think anything of it..until the morning when we went to look at our backyard. sure enough the leak was coming from our house and the whole backyard was even more flooded and so was the back parking lot. We called the maintenance people and the plumber guy that came said that a tree root broke the pipe line and caused the leak. There is still a big hole in our backyard today..also when he had to fix he leak it was raining..of course!
One last great thing.. The ward music lady in the ward had a violin and she is letting me use it until I leave Slidell! I am so excited, it is great to be able to play again. You don't realize how much you take creating and playing music for granted.
That is pretty much it on the week for me. I hope that all is going well for you at home and that you aren't dieing in the Arizona heat.
Thank you for your prayers and all you do!
Love, Sister Urie
P.s: anyone preparing for a mission.. read preach my gospel! and memorize the how to begin teaching points in the teaching skills chapter. ch will help a lot.. The more you have memorized the better off you are when you get in the field..then the spirit only bring things to your remembrance after you've learned it! I think i will make this a new section to my email..MP( mission prep! lol)..or not.. To be honest there were sections of PMG (preach my gospel) That i just didn't pay to much attention to because I wasn't a real missionary yet..this is false!! just read it
Southernism: "Jesus is a saints fan" " Real men love Jesus" ( saw these two sayings on bumper stickers this week..too funny)
Tracting Tips: add 14 cents to last week.. I keep forgetting to count. sorry..thanks mom!
scripture: 2nephi 31:20

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