Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 47: Pickled Egg and Potato log..Fiddlin and our new investigator!‏

Dear Family!!
It was another REALLY GREAT WEEK in Clinton, MS. This time it is for real! We have been trying so hard and just praying that we will find someone that is ready and prepared to come into the fold.. Our prayers have been answered!! I will address that in a little bit about our new investigator. Also this week we have seen the lord bless us with many opportunities to finding activities, referrals and great experiences. I know as you read my mail this week you too will see how the lord has had his hand in our work and is blessing us.
Before I go into the stories I wanted to thank y'all again for your support. I know that the Lord hears and answers all of our prayers. I know this because of all the miracles that never since to amaze me that happen here in the south and all the little things that happen daily.
I love something that Aunt Teresa told me in her the girls had to give away a card as part of a scavenger hunt. It is so true that some people wont listen. Many people will not give place in there heart to something new. This is the first step that we learn about in Alma 32. The word is compared to a seed and in order to see if that seed is a good seed you must give place in your heart for it and nourish it. If it is good It will grow and if it is not it will be cast out. This too is how those who are truly receptive to the gospel will feel. When they give place in their heart for something new such as the gospel then answers to their prayers will come and things will start to make sense to them.
This is how things are going with our new investigator. We met him for the first time on Friday. He answered the door and some of the things he said indicated that he was probably meeting with the Jehovah witnesses, or people that tried to get him to come to a Thursday meeting. We told him that was not us. We introduced him to the book of mormon and he said that he would read it. I asked him if he would ask God if it is true..To the which he responded..How do I do that? because this is the only way i know how..Then recited to us the Lords prayer in another language. After he finished we explained to him the way that our Heavenly Father has asked us to address him in prayer and How it is a two way communication. He said he would do this and we set up to meet with him for the following day. The following day we had a member come with us to the appointment with him.. and he was not there.
The next day, Sunday we went back. He had asked us if we had a large print copy of the book of mormon, so we were bringing him one. ( I need you to know that we found him 5-5-5ing a member of the ward we did not know who did not live there anymore. I am a firm believer in tracting or 5-5-5ing) So that Sunday we saw him and he let us sit down with him on his porch and have a lesson with him. As we were starting to teach him we learned that his dad was Muslim and his mom was Baptist. He said it was the best of both worlds. We wanted to teach him the restoration, but all his questions were leaning towards the plan of salvation..So Sister Aebischer and I diverted to a different lesson directed by the spirit. This was exactly what he needed. He told us in the beginning that he would tell us if something didn't sound right to him, Also that he was expecting to get out of our visits answers to all his questions and to be able to know things like we know them and to be able to share them with other people. After the lesson on the plan of salvation ( he asked many good questions during the lesson i might add) he told us..this all makes so much sense! it reminded me so much of D&C 50:21-22..where it says that .."he that recieveth the word by the spirit of truth recieveth it as it is preached by the spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that recieveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.".. The gospel, that day had a familiar ring to him and he desired as did Lehi, to share it with all his family. ( 1ne.8:10-12) .. Well that is the story of our amazing investigator. He committed to be baptized when he knows these things are true, we will set a date with him when we meet with him on Wednesday.
The other story that happened is we went to the Clinton Visitors Center On Saturday Morning.. ( again on Sunday after church too) I cant remember the exact name of the group..but is something like the Mississippi music association..or something. they play blue grass, country, fiddle, name it! They meet together at the Clinton visitors center and have basically a "Jam Session" where you go around the room and each person has brought a 'song to share' say the song and the key it is in and everyone just plays along with ya. its the greatest thing! i am learning so much. It was weird because I am so used to playing very proper with music and this you just play whatever comes to your mind. There is no right or wrong ( unless you play in the wrong key i guess!lol) 
We went on Saturday morning to this and the next day at church one of the members i am borrowing a violin from came up to me and asked if i had gone yesterday..( She plays the cello in the symphony here..) I said i had..she proceeded to tell me that someone that was there talked to someone, who talked to someone, who called her and asked if it was her daughter that was there..she told them no it was one of the missionaries. So from that We got three referrals..the name of the man that called her and two other people shes been thinking about. It was amazing!  So we went to go play yesterday at the visitors center with them again. Met some other wonderful people. This was one of the more productive finding activities i have ever been involved in.
Well those are our big big happenings from this week. Again I appreciate yall prayers so much and your support. I miss everyone at home especially in our ward. We have such a great ward family back at home and I am coming to appreciate more and more the effort everyone puts into their callings. Y'all are the best and I hope you have a wonderful week... Will you commit to pray and ask God to help you see his hand in your life more? ( so..i just had to leave ya with a is the part where you say yes. lol.)I know that as you do you will see the blessings from heaven that he bestows upon us daily also a new desire to keep the commandments more will come into your life..strengthening your faith in Christ. I know that Christ Lives and loves us! He has been through everything we have gone through. This gives me hope and helps me to move forward!
I hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Carry on Carry on Carry on!.. ohh..and keep on keeping on. :)
Sister Urie
Southernism: I had a pickled egg this week! Sorta, kinda, really gross. But a funny experience. we found it at this 'pit stop' gas station place where we also got a potato log..( what we know as potato wedges). There were some people in there and they said..hey eat it in here! i told them I would if they would go to a website for me..and handed um a card.. ha. It was pretty awesome. they were still laughing five minutes later. enjoy the pictures. Good times in the south.
Tracting Tips: 2 cents!!
Scripture: D&C 88:68

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