Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 19 - General conference and Long Street

Dear Family!

Hello! I love you and It is always so great to hear from you. Things have been so crazy busy here, which is good! I love the work and the people and everything is going great. It is starting to get really cool here which is strange..but I am not complaining!

This week we had some really great missionary moments..
Monday we were able to go see the cupcake man and his family. While we were there we had a great conversation with the wife of the cupcake man about how she had some scary experiences in the shop ( It is located in an old house). We told her about how we can have someone come by and bless her shop after hours. she was very excited. We are going to go back this evening with a member and have them bless it. Also we had the opportunity to share with them the family: proclamation to the world and a copy of the Book of Mormon. The spirit was very strong as we testified to them of how this would bring their family so much more peace and how we thought they were a great family and we wanted there family to have every bit of happiness that our families have. It touched our hearts when the cupcake mans wife said that she felt close to us already and appreciated us. ( Hence the picture of me holding the cake pop..really happy!) We are so excited to be able to teach the cupcake man and his family! "..and thus we see.." Eating cupcakes is a great finding activity.
The next great experience has to do with a former investigator..remember that family I told you about a few weeks ago? The mom of the family was the sister of a recent convert?..well we heard she was moving and doing really poorly, plus her phone stopped working. So we decided that we were going to throw miles to the wind and find her if it was the last thing we did. ( Plus it helped that was the first day of the month) So off we went to find Long st.. We drove and tried to find it..nothing..we called a member to get directions online for us..nothing. we tried retyping it into the GPS hundreds of such street exists..So after many prayers we found long st. and the apartment complex! ( mind you long st. was very short.) Her sister told us she was there the day before and she wouldn't even let her in. We thought we might as well try though. So we knocked..and knocked..and knocked. nothing. We left a sticky note and knocked again..nothing. We prayed..waited and knocked answer. We knelt  in prayer..pleading that if it is the lords will we be able to see her and help her... After praying we knocked again.. and guess what! answer. As a final last resort sang all the verses of 'I am a child of God." ..then we a final attempt we knocked again at the door. No Answer.
Now I am sorry if this story was misleading when I told you that it was a great experience.. mind you it was! We might not have been able to contact her. (no missionary effort is wasted) Yet I learned a great lesson about how my Savior and My Heavenly Father feels about me. How many times have I been so stubborn and just will not answer the door. This experience helped me to feel how much our Savior loves us and will try and try and try again to let us know that he is there for us. All we need to do is open the door! The atonement is the gift and message that he has to bring to us and he feels so disheartened when we ignore his voice. I learned that I need to be repenting always, always looking for ways to change and improve and trying to align my will with the fathers will. This is the only way to true happiness and joy. Just please open the door!
( The picture of the lake is a view from the apartment complex)

So this weekend was General Conference! I love General Conference. I know that Thomas S. Monson a prophet. Just like Moses was a prophet. God loves us so much and will not leave us in the dark. So he has blessed us with a prophet on the earth today. I also know with all my heart that all the men that are called are men of God.

I absolutely loved all the words that were said at conference.. I will share with you some of the things I enjoyed the most. 
first i love all the things said about prayer. I love President Manson remarks in the Sunday morning session as he said that We need to have a relationship with our father in heaven..and if not we need to do so now.The lord wants to bless us but so many blessings are waiting to be given upon our asking for them. (3 Nephi 18:20)Also how we need to follow the inspiration and guidance of the spirit and learn how the spirit speaks to us.
Another great talk was the one by Tad R. Callister. I loved the analogy he gave about the bible and the book of Mormon. The analogy was that you can draw an infinite amount of lines through a single dot. The dot represents the bible and those lines represent the different interpretations of the bible and then the different churches there are. Then he asked how many straight lines you can draw between two dots. Those dots are the bible and the book of Mormon. the answer is only one. The book of Mormon helps clarify up any confusion in the doctrine. After watching conference I have such a greater desire to read the book of Mormon and feast upon the words that are in it.
I hope you liked conference as much as I did and I cant wait to hear what you learned and thought about it.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Missionary work is hard,  yet it is so wonderful and I love it!

Keep on Keepin on!

Love, Sister Urie

( Here are all of them!)
The Ten Commandments in Cajun...
1. God is da number one... and das' All
2. Don't cuss nobody...'specially da Good Lord.
3. When it be Sunday...pass yo'self by God's House
5. You mama an' yo daddy dun did it all..lissen to den
6. Killin' duck an' fish, da' OK...people - No!
7. God done give you a wife... sleep wit' jus' her.
8. Don't take nobody's boat... or nuttin' else.
9. Don;t go wantin' somebody's stuff.
10. Stop yo lyin'... yo tongue gonna fall out yo mouf!
Tracting Tips: earned only 11 cents this week.
Scripture: Revelations 3:20 (He stands at the door knocking..we just need to let him in.)

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