Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 58: "Are you speaking French?", New mission president and It's hotter than a Mississippi Summer!!‏

Dear Family,
How are yall doing this week? I hope great! Things are going great here. Sister Mokalake and I stayed together for another transfer and I love serving with her so much. She is a very hard worker and we have been teaching many people.

This week the phrase "It's hotter than a Mississippi Summer" has taken on a whole new meaning. We went to visit a member and they informed us that on Friday it was 117 deg. and On Saturday in was only 110 deg. HA! Yes I am still wearing my cardigans..yes I am starting to get a funny tan line..and yes it is very hot! We tract a lot in this area, one because it is a new area and two..because it we need to find people to teach! We are really working hard on building a repore with the ward members. Right now they are still stuck in the old ways of the way they worked with the missionaries before..Lots of prayer and fasting is going to go into this one that's for sure. Things are going great though and the ward is really supportive and nice. ( If yall have any ideas on some good ways to work with the ward or any good finding activities..please send them my way!)
Sad news.. This week the Tuckers left. It was really sad to see them go..but it helps to know that I will see them again soon. We got to help Sister Tucker a lot this week with some last minute cleaning she needed to get done at the mission home. They are so great and I am really going to miss them... SO as you may have guessed..(obviously).. We have a new mission president..President and Sister McDonough. I have yet to meet them, but I know I already love them. Rumor has it they are really nice. This transfer is interviews and they will be coming around to every mission apartment to meet us. I cannot wait. More info to come!
This week I received a package from Sister Platts Mom! It was so sweet. All with stuff from England. ( and a new umbrella! Answer to prayer.) I miss Sister Platt..It was so sweet of her mom to send me something. Sister Platts Mom..If you are reading this..THANK YOU!
So as far as stories this week..the first is when we were teaching one of our investigators. After sharing with her the first lesson we extended the baptismal invite..the conversation went something like this..
"When you come to know that these things are true..will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be Baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" -me
"...whoa wait..are you speaking french?!" -investigator
bahaha..yeah that did happen. You just can't make this stuff up! ( needless to say she was still confused about what the 'priesthood authority' was.) church on Sunday. we had a high counsel man speaker and we knew he was going to go over..since I was leading the music..for the intermediate hymn we decided to just sing one verse of 'if you could hie to kolob' ...BIG MISTAKE.. I indicated to the congregation that we would only be singing one verse..apparently not everyone saw me. after the first verse I cut them off and went to sit down..people kept singing even without the piano.. the presiding bishopric member looks at me puzzled and says that we sing all the verses. hm ok! haha.. so we keep going..ALL of the verses of 'if you could hie to kolob"..I was about to sing..there is no end to this song!.. yep you cant make this stuff up.. Best Sunday ever. haha
Next we are at lunch with our investigator..and she says.." OH! What is Zion?!..we keep singing about this Zion.." it was pretty cute..ha
Last story.. So remember that funeral I told you about that we went to last week?.. well he was in the army ( I'm pretty sure) So they had his vetran buddies on their motorcycles lead the funeral was intense! Cars down here do not stop for cops, ambulences or small children. It was crazy to see all these cars stop for a funeral procession...even the cops stopped! We were the very last car in the line. It was an experience let me tell you. One of the Vetran guys had a viking hat on.. ( not important..but i though it was It was great to see the turn out of so many of his friends and we were able to mingle with many of them..I had so many Plan of salvation pamphlets ready to give out!..but it didnt happen..Bold but not overbearing.
Well..That is pretty much it for crazy stories this week. Everyone here in Flowood has been really nice and offered us water. ( We must look really pathetic.) Things are going great and I am learning so much. The work is true and the gospel has been restored to the earth again! We are so blessed to have the religious freedoms we do. I am so grateful for leaders of this country who have fought so valiantly for this freedom..I am also grateful for pioneers and pioneer ancestors who did so much so we could have the gospel in our lives. This is the True Church of Jesus Christ! don't believe me? read the book!
Love yall so much and hope ya have a great week,
Sister Urie
Southernism: She was talking about her children and raising them practically by herself.." Sometimes I feel like I need to send them to someone like Medea!" -This is what was said during a testimony in Sacrament meeting. I thought it was really classic. :)
Tracting Tips: 3 cents. For as much as we tract we sure haven't been getting very many tips!
Scripture: Exodus 32:26-29 "whose on the lords side?"

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