Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 15: Tropical storm "LEE" and "J'aime beaucoup les bon-bon!"‏

Hello Family and Friends!!

Yes, we are still alive! Tropical storm "LEE" hit us this weekend. It really is weird being a missionary because you do not watch the news, listen to the radio or read the news paper. So any information we get about weather or news comes from people,so we hear a lot of different things. We had a lot of rain..correct me if I'm wrong but I am pretty sure it was 20 inches? Driving to church on Sunday was a real adventure. The rain was coming down in buckets, windshield wipers at full blast! We made it though! Despite the rain we had a pretty good turn out at church. 80-100 people. We were very surprised. One of the counselors in the bishopric came up to us, we sit on the first row of seats in the over flow, and said " We might need you to move up today, doesn't look like too many people are going to come." we did not have to move :)
We stayed inside all day Saturday. I learned how to say "J'aime beaucop les bon-bon!" in french ( Sister Hills got her degree in french studies) It means.. " I like candy a lot! " In return for the french lesson I taught Sister Hills how to play the violin. She can now play 'twinkle twinkle little star' and 'amazing grace'. ( she really wanted to learn these two songs) Sounds like an eventful day huh? All the missionaries had cabin fever and just wanted to get out and work. We were talking to someone on Friday , who was not a member of the church, who said "Oh you'll find something to do during the storm.' to that we wanted to say.." You don't understand! This is all we do!!"  I always thought missionary work would be teaching lessons every second of everyday!..well it's not! sometimes we have to stay inside. We were under orders the next couple of days not to tract or to avoid tracting because they didn't want people to think we were crazy!

Today when we went outside it was 73 degrees! it is beautiful..like a nice winter day in Arizona or..a spring day in Idaho. No humidity! Perfect cardigan weather. It is crazy!

A couple of stories...

We taught went and visited with our less active family. He said that he has been really thinking a lot about the things we have been talking with him about. we always challenge him to come to church. Right now we have asked him to pray about the book of mormon to know if it is true. When we went back he had not. When we asked him what would be holding it back he said.. " If I get an answer I'd have to convert these crazies!" ( meaning his family) Too funny. He is great he just has some concerns. I pray he will be able to be with his family forever because that is the only way he can be truly happy.

On Wednesday, before book of Mormon class we taught Jess! ( well her name is not Jess..but i think that is what i called her last week) She is great. We got there and you could tell her countenance has already changed. She said she has read a little and has been praying on her own. We had a great lesson with her. the spirit was so strong and she is really excited to read from the book of mormon with her kids. She hasn't really been having prayer with them like she would like to, but she is going to try.. We called her to set up another appointment with her and she said "The Prayer has been going great and We might start praying in the morning too!" It really is the little things that make all the difference. So simple..just Prayer and Scripture reading.

So Friday we went to visit a family in the ward. After the visit we were coming back out to our car and the rain was coming down in buckets! It was crazy. To top it off there was a RIVER OF WATER coming down the street. to get into the car we had to run through these puddles that were up to our ankles. There was pretty much no point in using my poor broken umbrella because the rain was coming down from every which direction. We decided it would be a good idea to go home. As we were driving home we say a truck on its side in a ditch with the back wheel spinning. This confirmed our decision to be a good one. I really don't think I have seen rain this crazy since living in Florida..and even there wasn't nearly as much flooding. There really isn't anywhere for the water to go... oh this was the same day we were supposed to see Elaine..the one i met at the oil change/ care dealership.. We got a call from her in the morning. She left us a message saying that the entrance to her street floods and she wanted to warn us before we came over. I was scared she would be insist that we wait the storm out in her house..so we called and canceled and will go visit her when it is sunny again..namely sometime later this week. ( please don't judge me.. lol)

I had my very First real 'Cottage meeting'. We went to have a lesson with Billy ( on of our Recent converts) and there wasn't a woman home..So we ended up bring chairs outside and having a lesson on the front porch with Billy and then Elders..and you know what? The weather was beautiful! I was almost a little chilly. ( Yes I was wearing a cardigan) It was nice sitting on the front porch talking about the gospel! Oh I love this work that we get to take part in. 

So here is a food related story.. We went to this restaurant called 'Copelands' that is here in Slidell. (actually we went there twice this week! once because Sister Hills wanted to go before she left..and some members took us there) Very good food. Now the reason this is so significant is because I had Catfish! Yes..my very first time eating catfish. We ordered the pecan crusted catfish and the little bow tie things are deep fried bow tie pastas that you use for chips in the spinach and artichoke dip. ( Sorry the pictures are not the greatest. I remembered i had not taken pictures of my food until after i had started eating..so I hope you can still see how amazing it is from the half eaten picture of it. haha) It was amazing. 'Copelands' comparable to the cheesecake factory..and they have very good cheesecake. My new favorite is bananas foster cheesecake! (it tastes like a glorified cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting and bananas!) anyways..back to missionary work...
That is is on stories for me.

Sister hills is getting transferred and they will be "taking the training wheels off", as president put it. I am excited and a little nervous, but I know as I put my trust in the lord ( and use my GPS) everything will work out according to the Lords will. (aka. pray i don't get lost. They only give us so many miles. lol )
We will be driving to Clinton tomorrow to pick up the sister I will be serving with. I am excited to see who I am serving with and will 'return and report' next week!

Southernism: " You scared the mess out of me!"
Tracting tips: NONE! Tropical storm 'LEE' washed away all of our coins..plus we were under 'no tracting' orders.
Scripture: Mosiah 29:10 I loved this scripture! This is when Mosiah is explaining to the people why they do not want to have a king but should have judges to judge them. This scripture reminds me that we need to weigh out all the options before we make a decision and then pick the option that will bring the most peace in our lives. There is nothing wrong with weighing all your options.

oh.. i was wondering if ya'll had heard of this restaurant that is in mesa called 'midwestern eats' ? There is this family here that just got sealed in the mesa temple! it was wonderful to hear.  ( they said they ate there after the went to the temple. You should check it out and let me know if it is any good and we'll go when i get home. lol)

Well thank you once again for everything! ( The box was perfect and i appreciate everything you do more then you know.) Also I thank you for your support and prayers.

As they say in France..Adios! ( This is what Billy says all the time.)

love, Sister Urie :)                                                                  


  1. Hey-

    I didn't know missionaries could blog, or Facebook. I don't know why not though, if email is ok. But regardless, nice to read your blog! I find missionary work facinating! BTW, it's Midwestern Meats not eats. lol.

  2. Regina, Missionaries only send emails to Mom who blogs and Facebooks for her. :)
