Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 48!: The lonely Chalk talk, Catfish, and The amazing Sunday!!‏

Dear Family,

How are y'all doing? I hope you are having as great of a week as I have had. This week was another Great and wonderful week in Clinton, MS. We have a lot of great things going for the area. Also, this week we had interviews with President Tucker. Yes, I passed. lol. Not a worry. Training is going well, Teaching is going great, all round I have nothing to complain about. Life is great.

The one investigator I am really excited to tell you about this week is the one i told y'all about last week. His dad was a Muslim and his mom was a baptist? This week we had planned to teach him the restoration and set him with a baptism date. Sadly this did not happen and the spirit did not prompt us to do so either. He had many concerns regarding things such as how the church views divorce and what the truth was about our church and not allowing certain nationalities to hold authority..aka the priesthood. We had a member with us who did a great job explaining his questions. How ever as I have reflected back to this lesson we had with him I feel as if we have done him a disservice. In preach my gospel it says on page 108 and 109..
"Many people will not believe everything you teach. President Ezra Taft Benson taught how the Book of Mormon can be the central resource in responding to such situations:
“We are to use the Book of Mormon in handling objections to the Church. . . .“. . . All objections, whether they be on abortion, plural marriage, seventh-day
worship, etc., basically hinge on whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are prophets of God receiving divine revelation...The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was his prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation. “Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must make his stand” (A Witness and a Warning, 4–5)."
This is what we are going to focus on more with him now. He needs to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Just like it says.. If the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and all the revelations and teachings that come with it are true. I will return and report about how the progress of this goes this week.
We are going on exchanges with Meridian this next week. Sister Harding is serving there right now so I will get to see her again too!

This week we had Catfish at the Cock of the walk catfish house place in Pocahontas, MS. It was so much fun! We had great members that try to help share with us the wonderful southern food and southern experiences. I have included pictures.

We found some great people this man was out working on his car. ( wish I knew about cars) We set up an return appointment and had a member with us when we went and  he had to cancel. We will teach him soon i just know it!

Well we had a chalk talk this week was the saddest chalk talk of my life. We went to meet this less active at the stood up.. So we decided to draw with chalk. As we decide to do so all the families that were there decided it was too cold to stay ( which it was..cold and windy) I have also included pictures of the chalk talk. Hopefully someone saw it..and it didn't rain ( I prayed it wouldn't) So someone will see it.. Just planting seeds.

Sunday we got invited to go to go to a family picnic for a family in the ward. It was down the trace a few miles. I brought the fiddle and played for them too. ( Have fiddle? will travel..)

Also! Last but not least..this week i finally got to meet with the Lady from the Order of the eastern star. I was invited to play the violin at her Installation on May 12th. She is going to have me play two songs. The one i know of that she wants me to play is called. O'seh Shalom. It is a very pretty Jewish song. I will have to send you a recording of it. What adventures lie in store next? I will tell ya.. I never would've dreamed five years ago that I'd be in Mississippi eatin crawfish and singin sons about floatin down the Bayou...but i am lovin every minute of it! :)

I hope y'all have a wonderful week. I really appreciate all y'all do and I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time. I am not perfect..but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is. I know as we live and apply it simply in our lives everyday that we will have Eternal Life... which gift is the greatest of all God's gifts!

 y'all be good now! :)

Love, Sister Urie

Southernism: So! This is one of the best southernisms ever!!!! .. So we were at a members house and they were asking about string instruments. I told them they should look into kun shoulder rests.. They thought I was referring to a shoulder rest made of a in a raccoon. a coon shoulder rest... it was too funny.

Tracting Tips: Zero!
Scripture: Mosiah 5: 1-6

oh.. PS.. our mailbox and the elders mailbox here has been empty.. Ever since sister A read the dead letter writers epistle our mail box has been cursed. lol

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