Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 45: Tuesday is two days until... 2nd 2nd birthday! The lesson and check out her hair! and exchanges.‏

Dear Family!
Well another great week in Clinton, MS. This week we had conference, exchanges, taught some great lessons and met an awesome lady with a cool hair style. So much has happened and the time is going by ever so quickly. It makes me a little sick to my stomach to think that my mission is on the downward spiral. I have so  much left to learn and I just hope that I am living up to this call that has been entrusted me.
( I wanted to give a shout out to sister Aebischer's parents. She said yall have been reading my email.. So hello and thank you for letting me serve with your daughter! )
This week we had somethings happen..first There is a picture of this lady and I. Please note her hair. This is the "new thing" I guess, to have your hair styled all up and shellacked the way she had it. So I asked if I could get a picture with her and she of course! We met her at the nursing home that we go and play/ sing at on Sundays. Very nice lady.
Well we had sister A's very first restoration lessons. An official sit down lesson. The man was very confused about prophets and how you can know if they are a true prophet because there are so many false prophets out there..(this was kind of the theme for the week with conference coming, people were confused left and right and did not want to come to conference) So we taught him and he would not commit to a second lesson or reading. He did say however that he would pray about it and he gave a great closing prayer. It was hard to teach him because he kept going off on these tangents. We had a member with us that testified well and really added to the lesson. We will see what happens with him.
This last week we were able to go on exchanges with Meridian Sisters. it was so great to be able to learn from Sister Chai. It was a short exchange, but we learned a lot! Not to much else to report on that..
So what did ya'll think of conference? Do you want my opinion? It was a power house conference with so many wonderful insights. I loved that it started off with the Standard of Truth quoted by President Monson. The work will go forth!!
We had three investigators come to the Sunday morning session too. We were a little..ok I was a lot concerned they would not come because from the way she was talking she had been anti'd. This was very sad, yet we have been tag team teaching her with the elders and I honestly don't think she would have come if it weren't for them. She did come and loved it. It went from the night before her telling us were were a cult and that she didn't think she would come..to her really enjoying in, having a lot of questions answered and saying that it was a lot different then she thought it would be. All in all great conference experience.
Sorry this is so short, many missionaries here to use the computer.
I love this work and I love the Lord. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was translated by the gift and power of God. We will get nearer to God by reading that book then by any other book. Don't believe me..try it for yourself.
Things are great..and guess what! i am turning 22 this Thursday..( Loved the banner i got from jessi.. happy 2nd 2nd birthday. :) ) Thank ya'll for your prayers and birthday wishes. I just hope that I am "growing up" to be what the Lord needs me to be. Have a great week!
Love ya'll!
Sister Urie
Scripture:Mosiah 5:13
Southernism: A no trespassing sign said.. "Warning!! Is there life after death? Trespass here and find out!!"
Tracting tips: Zerro

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