Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 48 -Pictures

 They have big Roosters in Mississippi!


 Lonely Chalk Talk

Tree House

Week 48!: The lonely Chalk talk, Catfish, and The amazing Sunday!!‏

Dear Family,

How are y'all doing? I hope you are having as great of a week as I have had. This week was another Great and wonderful week in Clinton, MS. We have a lot of great things going for the area. Also, this week we had interviews with President Tucker. Yes, I passed. lol. Not a worry. Training is going well, Teaching is going great, all round I have nothing to complain about. Life is great.

The one investigator I am really excited to tell you about this week is the one i told y'all about last week. His dad was a Muslim and his mom was a baptist? This week we had planned to teach him the restoration and set him with a baptism date. Sadly this did not happen and the spirit did not prompt us to do so either. He had many concerns regarding things such as how the church views divorce and what the truth was about our church and not allowing certain nationalities to hold authority..aka the priesthood. We had a member with us who did a great job explaining his questions. How ever as I have reflected back to this lesson we had with him I feel as if we have done him a disservice. In preach my gospel it says on page 108 and 109..
"Many people will not believe everything you teach. President Ezra Taft Benson taught how the Book of Mormon can be the central resource in responding to such situations:
“We are to use the Book of Mormon in handling objections to the Church. . . .“. . . All objections, whether they be on abortion, plural marriage, seventh-day
worship, etc., basically hinge on whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are prophets of God receiving divine revelation...The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was his prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation. “Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must make his stand” (A Witness and a Warning, 4–5)."
This is what we are going to focus on more with him now. He needs to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Just like it says.. If the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and all the revelations and teachings that come with it are true. I will return and report about how the progress of this goes this week.
We are going on exchanges with Meridian this next week. Sister Harding is serving there right now so I will get to see her again too!

This week we had Catfish at the Cock of the walk catfish house place in Pocahontas, MS. It was so much fun! We had great members that try to help share with us the wonderful southern food and southern experiences. I have included pictures.

We found some great people this man was out working on his car. ( wish I knew about cars) We set up an return appointment and had a member with us when we went and  he had to cancel. We will teach him soon i just know it!

Well we had a chalk talk this week was the saddest chalk talk of my life. We went to meet this less active at the stood up.. So we decided to draw with chalk. As we decide to do so all the families that were there decided it was too cold to stay ( which it was..cold and windy) I have also included pictures of the chalk talk. Hopefully someone saw it..and it didn't rain ( I prayed it wouldn't) So someone will see it.. Just planting seeds.

Sunday we got invited to go to go to a family picnic for a family in the ward. It was down the trace a few miles. I brought the fiddle and played for them too. ( Have fiddle? will travel..)

Also! Last but not least..this week i finally got to meet with the Lady from the Order of the eastern star. I was invited to play the violin at her Installation on May 12th. She is going to have me play two songs. The one i know of that she wants me to play is called. O'seh Shalom. It is a very pretty Jewish song. I will have to send you a recording of it. What adventures lie in store next? I will tell ya.. I never would've dreamed five years ago that I'd be in Mississippi eatin crawfish and singin sons about floatin down the Bayou...but i am lovin every minute of it! :)

I hope y'all have a wonderful week. I really appreciate all y'all do and I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time. I am not perfect..but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is. I know as we live and apply it simply in our lives everyday that we will have Eternal Life... which gift is the greatest of all God's gifts!

 y'all be good now! :)

Love, Sister Urie

Southernism: So! This is one of the best southernisms ever!!!! .. So we were at a members house and they were asking about string instruments. I told them they should look into kun shoulder rests.. They thought I was referring to a shoulder rest made of a in a raccoon. a coon shoulder rest... it was too funny.

Tracting Tips: Zero!
Scripture: Mosiah 5: 1-6

oh.. PS.. our mailbox and the elders mailbox here has been empty.. Ever since sister A read the dead letter writers epistle our mail box has been cursed. lol

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 47 - Pictures

Pickled Egg

Pickled egg not a favorite

Week 47: Pickled Egg and Potato log..Fiddlin and our new investigator!‏

Dear Family!!
It was another REALLY GREAT WEEK in Clinton, MS. This time it is for real! We have been trying so hard and just praying that we will find someone that is ready and prepared to come into the fold.. Our prayers have been answered!! I will address that in a little bit about our new investigator. Also this week we have seen the lord bless us with many opportunities to finding activities, referrals and great experiences. I know as you read my mail this week you too will see how the lord has had his hand in our work and is blessing us.
Before I go into the stories I wanted to thank y'all again for your support. I know that the Lord hears and answers all of our prayers. I know this because of all the miracles that never since to amaze me that happen here in the south and all the little things that happen daily.
I love something that Aunt Teresa told me in her the girls had to give away a card as part of a scavenger hunt. It is so true that some people wont listen. Many people will not give place in there heart to something new. This is the first step that we learn about in Alma 32. The word is compared to a seed and in order to see if that seed is a good seed you must give place in your heart for it and nourish it. If it is good It will grow and if it is not it will be cast out. This too is how those who are truly receptive to the gospel will feel. When they give place in their heart for something new such as the gospel then answers to their prayers will come and things will start to make sense to them.
This is how things are going with our new investigator. We met him for the first time on Friday. He answered the door and some of the things he said indicated that he was probably meeting with the Jehovah witnesses, or people that tried to get him to come to a Thursday meeting. We told him that was not us. We introduced him to the book of mormon and he said that he would read it. I asked him if he would ask God if it is true..To the which he responded..How do I do that? because this is the only way i know how..Then recited to us the Lords prayer in another language. After he finished we explained to him the way that our Heavenly Father has asked us to address him in prayer and How it is a two way communication. He said he would do this and we set up to meet with him for the following day. The following day we had a member come with us to the appointment with him.. and he was not there.
The next day, Sunday we went back. He had asked us if we had a large print copy of the book of mormon, so we were bringing him one. ( I need you to know that we found him 5-5-5ing a member of the ward we did not know who did not live there anymore. I am a firm believer in tracting or 5-5-5ing) So that Sunday we saw him and he let us sit down with him on his porch and have a lesson with him. As we were starting to teach him we learned that his dad was Muslim and his mom was Baptist. He said it was the best of both worlds. We wanted to teach him the restoration, but all his questions were leaning towards the plan of salvation..So Sister Aebischer and I diverted to a different lesson directed by the spirit. This was exactly what he needed. He told us in the beginning that he would tell us if something didn't sound right to him, Also that he was expecting to get out of our visits answers to all his questions and to be able to know things like we know them and to be able to share them with other people. After the lesson on the plan of salvation ( he asked many good questions during the lesson i might add) he told us..this all makes so much sense! it reminded me so much of D&C 50:21-22..where it says that .."he that recieveth the word by the spirit of truth recieveth it as it is preached by the spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that recieveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.".. The gospel, that day had a familiar ring to him and he desired as did Lehi, to share it with all his family. ( 1ne.8:10-12) .. Well that is the story of our amazing investigator. He committed to be baptized when he knows these things are true, we will set a date with him when we meet with him on Wednesday.
The other story that happened is we went to the Clinton Visitors Center On Saturday Morning.. ( again on Sunday after church too) I cant remember the exact name of the group..but is something like the Mississippi music association..or something. they play blue grass, country, fiddle, name it! They meet together at the Clinton visitors center and have basically a "Jam Session" where you go around the room and each person has brought a 'song to share' say the song and the key it is in and everyone just plays along with ya. its the greatest thing! i am learning so much. It was weird because I am so used to playing very proper with music and this you just play whatever comes to your mind. There is no right or wrong ( unless you play in the wrong key i guess!lol) 
We went on Saturday morning to this and the next day at church one of the members i am borrowing a violin from came up to me and asked if i had gone yesterday..( She plays the cello in the symphony here..) I said i had..she proceeded to tell me that someone that was there talked to someone, who talked to someone, who called her and asked if it was her daughter that was there..she told them no it was one of the missionaries. So from that We got three referrals..the name of the man that called her and two other people shes been thinking about. It was amazing!  So we went to go play yesterday at the visitors center with them again. Met some other wonderful people. This was one of the more productive finding activities i have ever been involved in.
Well those are our big big happenings from this week. Again I appreciate yall prayers so much and your support. I miss everyone at home especially in our ward. We have such a great ward family back at home and I am coming to appreciate more and more the effort everyone puts into their callings. Y'all are the best and I hope you have a wonderful week... Will you commit to pray and ask God to help you see his hand in your life more? ( so..i just had to leave ya with a is the part where you say yes. lol.)I know that as you do you will see the blessings from heaven that he bestows upon us daily also a new desire to keep the commandments more will come into your life..strengthening your faith in Christ. I know that Christ Lives and loves us! He has been through everything we have gone through. This gives me hope and helps me to move forward!
I hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Carry on Carry on Carry on!.. ohh..and keep on keeping on. :)
Sister Urie
Southernism: I had a pickled egg this week! Sorta, kinda, really gross. But a funny experience. we found it at this 'pit stop' gas station place where we also got a potato log..( what we know as potato wedges). There were some people in there and they said..hey eat it in here! i told them I would if they would go to a website for me..and handed um a card.. ha. It was pretty awesome. they were still laughing five minutes later. enjoy the pictures. Good times in the south.
Tracting Tips: 2 cents!!
Scripture: D&C 88:68

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 46-Pictures

 Sister Urie's Birthday Twin
Amy Helped with the Birthday Surprise!

Happy Birthday Sweet Sister Urie!

Week 46: Happy Birthday to me and my new birthday twin! and we got "dumped".‏‏

Dear Family!
This was another great week in Clinton, MS. We had the best of times and the worst of times..well it didn't ever really get that bad..but we did get dumped. lol. I will tell ya the story later in the email.
Easter was great. We had many appointments and many wonderful members who took care of us. Also Sacrament services were great. I will never be able to fully comprehend all that the savior has done for me and all of what his sacrifice truly means, yet I am grateful and I do know that he lives this very day! In Sacrament the choir sang and I also played a musical number with Noel Boone again singing and Sister Boone playing the piano, 'I need thee every hour'. It went well. I am so grateful, also, to have members that let me borrow their violin.
This week has been one of really cleaning out our area book. What I like to say is an 'investment' in our next 5 weeks. So things were kinda slow story wise.. we did however get "dumped". So the family we told you about who the mom had cancer and we took a member with us to go teach them..but the dad was sick so we rescheduled?..well we got in to see them in between sessions this last week ( I think i told you about that teaching appointment?) well Lets just say it could have gone better.  He never set up a return appointment with us because he claimed his work schedule was to crazy and would not commit to anything. So..we called them this week to see how they were doing and invite them to church for Easter Sunday. The Mom called us back and said that she and her husband had "looked at the book" and talked about it and this was not the direction that God was taking them in. Sad, but that's what she said. Just another rejection, yet I know one day she will join. I was about to ask her if she had prayed about it..but she hung up on us. I will commend her though, at least she had the courage to tell us she wasn't interested..most people run from us! haha! is the part where i say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Ya'll made my birthday so wonderful and I appreciate all of the cards and boxes and little surprises . It was so sweet. We went to lunch with the relief society president and her daughter..whos birthday is on April 5th also! ( another birthday twin buddy!) When we got there she had a present from ya'll. It made me cry it was so sweet. Thank you so much for thinking of me and going out of ya'lls way to make my birthday so great.
We had a great dinner appointment that night and another awesome member made me a cake. Sadly we didn't get to go tracting as much as I would've liked to on my birthday..I desperately wanted to knock on someones door and say.."It's my birthday! read this book!"..ha..but I did not. Sister A kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday too..and I kept telling her for someone to get baptized.. guess I have to be kind of realistic. lol
Saturday morning we went to the ward Easter egg hunt. It was so great! We got to talk with so many members and less active members. We mainly went around and told everyone about the campaign they had for this last weekend (Friday Saturday and Sunday) I hope ya'lls missionaries told yall about it. It was awesome! You could go on and put a comment about Christ and Your testimony of the Savior. ( I tried..but you had to "sign it in through Facebook" or something..and I don't even remember my password! ha..that makes me a good missionary right?) Besides the point..they had great videos up on youtube as part of the campaign and also on I do not know if it is still there..but ya'll should check it out!
I have included some pinata pictures from transfers for ya'll I hope you enjoy them. I brought the 'Happy 2nd 2nd Birthday' banner too and hung it up. lol. (Thank you Jessi!)
Things really are going great and I appreciate ya'lls prayers and support. I know as we have more specific prayers we will get specific answers..I have been praying that instead of being led to the elect..That we will be led to the members who have friends who are prepared to receive the restored gospel. This is something that should come natural to each of us..sharing the gospel with our friends and less active members.
I know that this work is true! I am forever grateful to be a missionary at this time and pray I have the faith to continue to endure well.
Yall are wonderful and I hope you have a great great Week!
love, Sister Urie
Tracting Tips: zerro
Southernism: Children is pronounced 'cheer-in' or 'cheer-ren"
Scripture: 3 Nephi 9: 21-22 Behold, I have come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world, to save the world from sin. Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto me as a little child, him will I receive, for of such is the kingdom of God. Behold, for such I have laid down my life, and have taken it up again; therefore repent, and come unto me ye ends of the earth, and be saved.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 45 Pictures

Week 45: Tuesday is two days until... 2nd 2nd birthday! The lesson and check out her hair! and exchanges.‏

Dear Family!
Well another great week in Clinton, MS. This week we had conference, exchanges, taught some great lessons and met an awesome lady with a cool hair style. So much has happened and the time is going by ever so quickly. It makes me a little sick to my stomach to think that my mission is on the downward spiral. I have so  much left to learn and I just hope that I am living up to this call that has been entrusted me.
( I wanted to give a shout out to sister Aebischer's parents. She said yall have been reading my email.. So hello and thank you for letting me serve with your daughter! )
This week we had somethings happen..first There is a picture of this lady and I. Please note her hair. This is the "new thing" I guess, to have your hair styled all up and shellacked the way she had it. So I asked if I could get a picture with her and she of course! We met her at the nursing home that we go and play/ sing at on Sundays. Very nice lady.
Well we had sister A's very first restoration lessons. An official sit down lesson. The man was very confused about prophets and how you can know if they are a true prophet because there are so many false prophets out there..(this was kind of the theme for the week with conference coming, people were confused left and right and did not want to come to conference) So we taught him and he would not commit to a second lesson or reading. He did say however that he would pray about it and he gave a great closing prayer. It was hard to teach him because he kept going off on these tangents. We had a member with us that testified well and really added to the lesson. We will see what happens with him.
This last week we were able to go on exchanges with Meridian Sisters. it was so great to be able to learn from Sister Chai. It was a short exchange, but we learned a lot! Not to much else to report on that..
So what did ya'll think of conference? Do you want my opinion? It was a power house conference with so many wonderful insights. I loved that it started off with the Standard of Truth quoted by President Monson. The work will go forth!!
We had three investigators come to the Sunday morning session too. We were a little..ok I was a lot concerned they would not come because from the way she was talking she had been anti'd. This was very sad, yet we have been tag team teaching her with the elders and I honestly don't think she would have come if it weren't for them. She did come and loved it. It went from the night before her telling us were were a cult and that she didn't think she would her really enjoying in, having a lot of questions answered and saying that it was a lot different then she thought it would be. All in all great conference experience.
Sorry this is so short, many missionaries here to use the computer.
I love this work and I love the Lord. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was translated by the gift and power of God. We will get nearer to God by reading that book then by any other book. Don't believe me..try it for yourself.
Things are great..and guess what! i am turning 22 this Thursday..( Loved the banner i got from jessi.. happy 2nd 2nd birthday. :) ) Thank ya'll for your prayers and birthday wishes. I just hope that I am "growing up" to be what the Lord needs me to be. Have a great week!
Love ya'll!
Sister Urie
Scripture:Mosiah 5:13
Southernism: A no trespassing sign said.. "Warning!! Is there life after death? Trespass here and find out!!"
Tracting tips: Zerro