Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 78-That's one more for Team Jesus!‏

Dear Family!
How I miss you all so much. Can you believe that time is going so fast and we only have three weeks left? Crazy..
It was, yet again another great week in Flowood, MS...So much has happened this week and I will try to paint you a picture ( figuratively) of all that's gone down....
First awesome thing that happened this week is we were able to go with the play group ( a bunch of ladies in the ward that have kids) to the fire station to tour it. It was a lot of fun. We took some awesome pictures and were able to talk with the firemen. Also! its was neat because we were talking to one of the moms that was going the night before..when she found out that we were coming too she was really excited and said " this is perfect! The one week I invite one of my non-member friends to come and yall are gonna be there!". We had some great missionary moments. We were also able to give the firemen a copy of the book of mormon to have in their fire house. Don't know how much they truly appreciated it..but hey! planting seeds right? lol
Following our fire station tour/ playgroup finding activity we were able have interviews with President McDonough for district meeting. It was a great meeting and be honest it was really weird. My very last interview. I can feel that I am about ready..My heart if full of gratitude that I didn't go home last transfer..I know i was supposed to stay here, learn a few more things..and also to take part in Noah's Baptism!
..Did I tell ya'll Noah got baptized on Saturday evening!!! It was an amazing service. ( that almost didn't happen! Satan is a creeper.)
The night before the baptism we got a phone call from Noah saying that he wanted to postpone his baptism. He had been talking with his neighbors who are youth pastors at his old church and they really wanted him to talk with more people besides the people he had and get more opinions also to talk with the pastor at their church. They also shared with him a lot of anti information about the church and confused him. We told him we respected his decision to wait..but that we knew he was ready and that also he can talk to as many people as he wants about what is true and to receive more opinions about truth, but the ultimate source of all truth is God. That night we prayed so hard and we fasted for him.
Well...Long story short.. That night Him and his dad and his grandparents ( who are not members..they came to support him and see the baptism) talked and sorted things out until 2 in the morning!.. He realized that he had had so many witnesses ( ether 12:6) and that if he kept asking eventually God would tell him to just do what ever he wanted. (hmm..doesn't this story sound familiar? lol..) He received 3 hours of sleep that night and said he slept so peacefully..They woke up so early the next day because his dad took him with him to help work on the roof of a member in the ward..the bishop and elders quorum president was there and several other members of the ward. they basically had a testimony meeting on the roof and Noah was back in the game ready to be baptized and more excited for his baptism then ever.
The service went beautiful and Noah was able to be baptized by his dad who was just baptized two weeks ago and received the Aaronic priesthood last week. The Gospel has been restored again to the earth. This is Jesus Christ Church. How can it not be?!
Noah was also confirmed on Sunday. We were able to meet with him later that day and asked him how he felt as he received the Gift of the Holy Ghost..he told us that it felt "Like someone stuck a funnel in my heart and shoved everything into it. and i can still feel it.".. what an awesome analogy! lol.. He also testified to us how before his baptism his neighbors were asking him why he needed to be baptized to receive the power of the holy ghost in his life when he already had it.. Noah said that He knew he had felt it before in his life but now he has the gift of the holy ghost that can be with him always as he lives worthy though keeping the commandments. amazing remarkable young man.
As I was talking with Sister McDonough she brought a great point to mind that I just loved that I want to share with you...She said that because she knows Noah she feels that she knows just a little bit better what the young boy Joseph smith was like. I find this to be so true and cannot wait to see his progression as him and his father come to learn more things. A continual thing Noah s dad pointed out to us that he loves...did I mention he cant wait to go to the temple? :)
Another success story of the week is Jane..have I told yall about her yet? She was a media referral that wanted a large print copy of the book of mormon. So we brought it to her..and found out that she had been attending the Madison ward with her friend and his family and that her sister was a member. Jane loves to tell us how shes been, for years, trying to pray her sister out of "that cult" and now she wants to join! She called us this week and told us she read a chapter in Alma ( a book in the book of mormon.) that just spoke to her heart. Also, she knows the book of mormon is the word of God and wants to be baptized again into our church. We are meeting with her again tomorrow to teach her the plan of salvation. Currently she has a baptism date for December 8th. .. Jane was able to come to Noah's baptism and also to church on Sunday. She has met with Bishop and he is also very excited for her progress... There are elect people out there and when the Lord is ready for us to find them he just sends them our way..we didn't even do anything with her.. She called us! Praise Jesus! last awesome story for this week is ( as you probably noticed from the pictures) our other awesome finding activity. We made a sign that said  "honk if you love Jesus" and "free Bibles" and set up a booth at the corner of a busy intersection in Brandon. There were so many cars honking and we Handed out over 40 copies of the Book of Mormon. ( not bad for only an hour or so!) It was a lot of fun and what a sight.. 6 missionaries holding these signs and handing out "bibles" Gotta love it. Oh the things we do for the Lord. Mormons can have fun too! Didn't cha know?
Happy Thanks giving BTW!.. Did I mention I am going to be 18 months old on Sunday the 25th! Whodathunk Id make it this far..time is going by so quickly.
Well..That is all for me this week. Hope you enjoyed the stories.. Words cannot put into words how I have felt this week and the things I have learned. So much is happening and I know that God, our Heavenly Father, Has his hand in every aspect of all of our lives. HE LIVES and so does his son, Jesus Christ. I know they love me because of how mindful they are of all the people around us. Please read the Book of Mormon..I know this is evidence of Gods love for us. How grateful I am for this work and everything Joseph Smith did to bring forth this restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Church again to the earth. I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God.
Love yall so much! and..yikes..see ya soon!
Sister Urie.
Southernism: my favorite.. Fixin. Yes it is a word and its in the dictionary. " Were fixin to go make some grosheries"
Scripture: Alma 25:12-16 This is exactly how I feel right now..thank you Alma! ha
Tracting Tips: 2 cents.

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