Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 74 -WOW

Dear Family,
All I have to say is ..Wow.
It was truly another great great week in Flowood,MS. I love serving here..there are so many things going on.. I say Wow, because of all the great experiences that we were able to have this week. I will touch on a few..
First this past week Wednesday we were able to have zone conference. Elder Nash of the 70 came and spoke with us. It was such a great meeting and the spirit was so very strong. Elder Nash really talked a lot with us about how many less actives we have down here and how that is a "gold mine" for us. So many missionaries look on missionary work..and success of missionary work basically on how many "investigators" they are teaching. While this is great we need to be focused on inviting all others to come unto Christ and helping everyone receive the next ordinance that they are to partake in.. for example..those who have been baptized and not attending church regularly need the ordinance of the sacrament. The numbers roughly of how many less active there are in our mission could be disheartening..but is a great opportunity for growth here. he told us that this new serge of missionaries that will be coming are going to end up coming the south. The work here is about to take off..
As a result of the work hastening so much, President has said that this area of the Brandon ward is like his "Porto-type" for the mission.. We have, as I've told you before, 2 sets of elders and one set of sisters..which is going to be happening a lot more throughout the mission. He is working closely with us to help us make this area very successful. I am very excited for the things that are going to happen in this area. This is what I have been praying for since I got here..there is so much potential..but it'll be pointless if we do nothing with it. Tomorrow we are going to work hard on Maps and getting all the less actives in the ward accounted for ( this we've done as sisters..just gotta bring the elders up to speed. ;) lol ) 
So also..This Zone conference being my last one I got to bear my testimony.. Bitter sweet..and Weird! I never thought the day would come when it would be my last zone conference..but it did.. and it was great to reflect on my mission so far. I have had so many great experiences..and I know with all my heart that the Atonement of Jesus Christ..when understood and lived can changes lives and hearts. Also This zone conference was the sister Urie show.. I played the piano .. prelude..for the hymns..also played the violin for the musical number..and the piano accompanying for the other musical number. Then I gave a talk!..psh.. no big deal..haha. It was really fun. :)
So this week... We were able to have some amazing lessons with Cody and his son! President invited them over to his house for a meeting and it went great. There were many questions answered and I think it helped Cody's son a lot..who has a lot of questions and a few reserves about things.. Cody is a great support to him though and has been sharing the Gospel with everyone. I am so excited for his baptism on Saturday and Know he is so ready. Words cannot even describe how wonderful he is. Sister Johnson and I frequently listen to the song from the work CD I think its called "knock"? All about how there is a recent convert singing about how excited he is that love came knocking on his door and that he is found what he was missing..then he bears his testimony on fast Sunday..yeah awesome. :) We also had a lesson yesterday with Them and an awesome member family. they all had so much in common and its was great for them to bond. Oh! and They both ( Cody and his son.) came to stake conference in Clinton Yesterday! was so great! :) 
So our miracle of stake conference.. The Clinton Sisters ended up saving us seats..and after the meeting was over I got to talking with the lady next to us..turns out they just moved into the Brandon Ward..they are in our area..and they have a 12 year old daughter that has not been baptized yet!! woo hoo! we are going over to their house on Sunday to share with them the restoration. They are a great family and I cant wait to tell you more about how our visit with them goes. This is just one of the many blessings and miracles that has come from the 40 day fast.
So last week I think I told you id have to tell you about the Catholic priest... well.. We have some members in our ward who own this business and they were so kind to give us passes to go to the fair..When we went to their work place to pick them up we ended up giving a book of mormon to one of their employes who is studying to be a catholic priest..he said it intrigued him ..He was kind of ..different. So we received a phone call from him saying that ..he wanted to know who the best mormon scholar was in Jackson, we told him we were called to preach the gospel. Up until this point wed been playing phone tag for a few hours ( he wanted to read Joseph smith history..that was sighted in the restoration pamphlet) After finding out that he lives out of our area we gave his name and information to the Elders who lives in his area. He was glad because the questions he asked me he told me that I did not teach good. His definition of teaching was "articulating the truth"..hmm.not the definition I know of teaching for sure. ha! He also told us we needed to have a love affair with Jesus.. yeah right! ... Anyways..long story short.. the elders set up a time to meet with him and he never showed. Told them that he was moving after they called him. Some peoples children...
Well That is pretty much it on the week for me! it was a great week and i cannot wait to tell you all about the new people were teaching and all the great things that are happening here in Flowood! by the way.. Transfers are next week..
I love the Lord! I know he lives and that God loves us and wants us to return to him. The path is clearly marked we need only keep the commandments and head the counsel of the prophets.
I love yall and hope yall have a great week!
Love and live!
Sister Urie.
Southernism: This lady called herself a 'Soul Bender" the other day..meaning that she can "win souls for Christ" ..or she witnesses to a lot of people and her words help them decide to choose the right. something like that! lol " a good converter.." hehe
Scripture:Alma 7: 22-25
Tracting Tips: 2 pennys..

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