Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 68: God really does answer Prayers.‏

Dear Family,
It was another great, great week in Flowood, MS. I love being a missionary and love it when we are able to see the Lords hand in our work... I tell you this because I have an amazing story to tell you about what took place just this morning on our way to email!...
SO! We went to the car wash before emailing ( it always happens that if you don't get it done first its hard to fit it in..) Upon going there the guys that work there made us stop and take off our bike rack ( its a trailer hitch) That was attached to our car. The guys that helped us take it off.. We got to talking with one and he said that his wife, at her work place, had been talking with a lady who was a member of our church..They are both very interested in learning more. well what happens next? You guessed it! We loaned him a copy of the Book of Mormon! Now here is the best part! The pearl elders ( keep them in your prayers) have really be struggling with finding people to teach..There are only two active members in their area and its been really hard for them..Guess where this new family lives?..PEARL! So we were able to give them the referral. God Loves us and answers prayers..but! that's not all..On our way leaving the car wash the manager comes over to talk to us ( Two things run through my head.. 1st "oh great I'm in trouble again"..2nd.. " This is probably because we loaned that guy a copy of the book of mormon..") You really wont believe what he says next... " Are you a member"...ha! YES! He is a member of the church, just moved her from Meridian. Come to find out he was at church yesterday and he owns/ manages that car wash and one in Meridian. Oh and even better...He lives in our area! Thank you Jesus! It was a great morning lets just say..We left there singing "at the car the Car wash! yeah!."..only after we said a prayer of thanks for being able to find so many wonderful people..for just that morning before leaving our apartment we prayed that we would be able to find someone to teach..and that people would be put in our path that were prepared to receive the restored gospel. There is a God and He loves us. 
So.. I need to tell ya all the other amazing things that are happening in Flowood. This last week we were able to see, find and teach so many amazing people. 
First person I want to tell yall about is The guy that didn't think we believed in birthdays..? remember him?.. Well we saw him this week and It was so great that we followed up with him because we would have never found this out. No, it wasn't a concern actually.. We had asked him to read a certain general conference talk the time before when we saw him. ( He has the Gospel library app. on his phone and is always reading it and telling us what he learned) So when we saw him we asked him what he thought of the talk.. To this he told us he felt bad because he wasn't sure if he had read it..long story short he couldn't remember which talk we had given him to read ( misplaced the sticky note we had written it on or something) So instead he listened to almost every talk in that general conference. This investigator is elect. He makes me want to study so much harder and be so much better! We are going to meet with him Tuesday of this week..Ill let ya know how it goes!
Next I'll tell yall about a family were teaching. Now this family is an answer to prayer for sure. We met them a week ago ( referral from the elders) She ( the wife) Said that she would come to the woman's conference we were having this weekend. Unfortunately or fortunately the woman's conference was cancelled because the men went to the coast this weekend to help clean up..So we got to meet with her and her husband together instead! A little background on them.. They both were raised very devout in their faiths, she grew up in many different churches. He is a history teacher and loves learning facts and history, while she loves learning also. Both of them are teachers. So when we met with them they both really wanted to know the why of different churches. So we helped them understand the why of the book of mormon and the why of our church. They loved it! Just as it says in Doctrine and covenants 50: 21-22 " Therefore, Why is it that ye cannot understand and know, that he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together."
Just one part of the lesson for example went something like this after we read Moroni 10:3-5 we asked the dad "What did you think of what Moroni was exhorting us to do?" He replied something to the effect of "I really like these verses..He was writing them as if he knew people would persecute his word and he wanted them to find out for themselves if it was true or not."... wow! other thing that happened during the lesson was right after we taught the first vision..(Side note: you can really discern their interest after you share Joseph Smiths experience/ vision) After Sharing with them the first vision she said that she believe that this could have happened definitely... Just amazing because that morning we prayed we would find a family and we were able to meet with them that very day.
Next story... One morning during our run we decided to run around the tennis court instead of going down the street we normally run down..and it was such a blessing we did because we met Eugene! Eugene was waiting for work to start so he was sitting in his car in front of the tennis courts smoking his cigarette.. We walked by and said..hey hope your mornings going looking to quite smoking? ha! well it worked.. were going to teach him the stop smoking workshop soon. crazy what happens when you talk to everyone!
So I don't know if I told you last week..but because we have been blessing so many people (Saviors peace and blessing) we have been getting a lot of referrals. We contacted one was for a part member family. They were awesome and said that we could come back and leave the blessing in their home too! Great things are happening in Flowood,MS..
Oh! In case you were wondering...Training is going great. I love serving with Sister Johnson. She is a great missionary and we are really seeing many blessing and getting to have a lot of fun experiences together. the way..we haven't forgotten to send our her birth announcement..that's on the list to do today.
ooh..and guess what! The weather has been amazing the past two days.. cool 70's 80's an Idaho summer no joke!..from 107 for a heat index to this.. I know god answers prayers!
Well that's it for the week for week I'll be able to tell you about the exchanges we went on with the Clinton Sisters and The sisters Conference.
Hope that yall have a great week! I know that Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw and that the book of mormon is evidence of that. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and will help us have peace as we apply it to our lives. The Church of Jesus Christ is the Lords church restored again to the earth. I know it because the spirit has born witness to me. Yall should pray to know again that these things are true. Can't hurt to have another witness this week..let me know how it goes!
Love yall,
Sister Urie.
p.s: Please write me letters. please.
Scripture: Words of Mormon 1:7-8
Southernism: We were talkin with someone and they said " Gof..' meaning Golf.. Also  "yousta Could" meaning.. "I was once able to..."
Tracting Tips:..not much..the water washed it all away.. maybe 5 cents this last week?

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