Tuesday, October 25, 2011

week 22 - New companion, bridal shower, and pumpkins

Dear Friends and Family!

Hellooo! I love you and hope you are having a great week. Things are going great here. The weather has been really nice actually. It has been in the 60-70s all week. Let me tell you, it has been very strange to use the heater in the car and in the apartment this week.
Yes it is true! i got a new companion! Her name is Sister VanRoosendaal. She is from Boise, Idaho. I love her so much! She is such a fun sweet girl and we are having a lot of fun serving together..well I am..i hope she is too! and can you believe it I am training too! I am trying to look at it as just another opportunity to show more love, like you would in an calling. I love that! Callings and such are not an opportunity to get ahead or have a high position but it is an opportunity to show more love and charity for someone. I hope this makes sense..but I am love it and I love her!

So this week things have been kind of slow. We had transfers, which were awesome! We drove all the way to Clinton, MS for transfers. The rest of the week went really well..just sort of slow like i said. Both Sister VanRoosendaal  and I were really tired because of transfers so we were trying recover. and that awful cold bug is going around. but anyways for stories!...

This week we contacted a referral from a lady in the ward. The referral actually lives a few houses down from us. She is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese and also speaks pretty fluent English. We were really impressed with how much the member had shared with her and given her to read and watch before we went over. Also the member always invites her to the activities even though this woman is very active in her church. We shared with her the Book of Mormon and how it can bless her life and the life of her family. We are going to be meeting with her tonight and I am excited to see how it goes. This would be another family! A Mom, Dad, little girl and another little one on the way.

Next thing that happened... There is a lady in our ward that is getting married and we went to her Bridal Shower! She is such a great friend and we really love her. We are really excited for her that she is getting married. I have included pictures from the shower. Sister VanRoosendaal got to be the one to be dressed up in a toilet paper wedding dress..taadaa! yes we are sister missionaries :)

Another story... So we are working with another family who are members who gave us a referral of one of their friends. The women they referred us to is in her late 50s. The mom of the family and this woman are business partners and the woman is moving in with them. When we were there she happened to have her  grand kids over for the weekend. These kids were so sweet and just wanted to be our friends. We carved pumpkins together and ate dinner. We shared with them a lesson on the restoration of the gospel and For the first time since i have been going over there everyone in the house gathered round to listen to the thought. It was really a great night. We loaned a copy of the Book of Mormon to the little girl ( age 10) She loved it and went and sat in the corner and started reading while we were there. It was so cute. We are going to go back over on Friday to their Halloween party.

The family we were working with ( The one i told you about that is amazing? The one that went to salt lake and toured the visitors center and then called us and wanted us to learn more?) Well.. We went and saw the mom and her day care that she runs this week. I just love her. They were all sick this week and missed church and mutual. There is this awful bug going around. Why do we have to get sick? Hopefully they will be doing better this week so we can take members over to meet with them again and address there concerns. They are a great family.

Well..That is pretty much it on the week.  I will send more stories next week. I just keep praying that we will be led by the spirit to those who are prepared to receive the restored gospel. " Pray as if all depends on the lord, and work as if all depends on us."

I love you and hope you're having a great week,

Love, Sister Urie

Tracting Tips: Nada..nothin
Scripture: Alma 30: 17-18, 19-21 and 21-22 This is the story of when an anti-christ by the name of Korihor comes 'into' the people and trys to lead away there hearts against God. I love these verses because it shows the contrast between these 3 groups of people and when faced with sin, how they delt with it. In verses 17-18 they allowed their hearts of many to be led away. in verses 19-21 they did not think twice about it and " took him, bound him and carried him before Ammon" In other words they did not have to try to figure out what it was, they saw sin for what it was and got rid of it as quick as they could. The third group in verses 21-22 it says that " here (korihor) did not have much success" in other words he was still able to turn away the hearts of a few! Once they recognized who he was and the evil he was doing then they did the same things as the people in verses 19-21 ( the people of Ammon) they " Took him, bound him and carried him (away)"
I just love these three examples and after reading them I reevaluated in what degree i allow sin into my heart. Which people am i most like? I just love the things we can learn from the people in the Scriptures. ( hope this makes sense!)
Southernism: someone told us the other day that the word.. laginepete- means that something extra you get in a bakers dozen? ( so many french terms!)

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