Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 17 - Yep more cupcakes

Dear Family!

Hello and greetings from Slidell, LA! This are going great and things are looking up. After much hard work we finally have some investigators. It is really hard to find people to teach, yet I am learning how to have better gospel conversations with people. We have been promised that if "we listen that something someone says will highlight a gospel principle to which we can bear testimony of". Also..please do not get me started on how important it is that Members are missionaries too. Missionaries are tools for the members. As  I have been serving as a full time missionary I have come to understand this more and more. Keep on being great examples to those around you and talking to everyone. The Lord will bless you with missionary opportunities.
This week we had some really great lessons and some great progress on the work. I think I told you last week about the 'vision of Slidell' and I am pleased to report that it is going great! I really hope that this will help the work.

We were really blessed to be able to teach some really great lessons this week.
One of the first lessons we taught on Monday was to this woman who is really struggling with finding her place in life. There are a lot of challenges with her family ( as far as them not being supportive of her joining the church) and struggles with getting older, finding and job and who to marry. You and I know that these challenges can be over come through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the atonement, yet it is really hard to have that faith to just join some church. We had a great gospel discussion with her and helped answer a lot of her questions through the book of mormon.
Another lad we are teaching we found in our Area book! She is friends with the first lady i was telling you about. She is Chinese and as of recently has converted to Christianity. We taught her about the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we can find out for ourselves if it is true by reading and praying about the book of Mormon. She said that she would read and pray and when she knew it was true get baptized. We are going to set her with a baptismal date the next time we meet with her. Oh..and did I mention..SHE CAME TO CHURCH! Actually.. we had FOUR investigators in church. It was a great day. I have to confess something though.. One of the investigators was the lady I told you about a few emails ago who wouldn't really let us leave her house because she thought  we wouldn't be safe and the hurricane was coming. She came to church. I was shocked! I believe she was only there for the last hour of relief society..but she came! We are going to go see her sometime in the coming week.

We found this really awesome lady when we were tracting. She was worried because she was not going to be able to make it to church this week and asked if it was OK that she came next week? we said.. of course it is! We are going to have a family night soon with her and her family. When we talked to her on the door step the spirit was so strong as we talked with her. IT was great..and what was even better is she recognized it and told us she felt it! I love being a missionary!

We decided that we want to teach the cupcake man and his family.. so naturally we had to go get more cupcakes. I have included a picture of the beautiful cupcake I got this time. Strawberry Cheesecake. So good. Yes missionary work can be fun too.

We had Ward conference on Sunday. Both the bishop and the stake president spoke. It was perfect for the investigators we had in church. I feel really blessed as of late because I have been given a lot of opportunities to play the violin. We played two weeks ago in church, Wednesday sister LeBaron and i are playing in the ward talent show a musical number..and were doing the same musical number at zone conference.

So there is a picture I am sending you that is the " light of the world church" We drive past it quite a bit and thought it was here is a picture!
Not to many stories to report this week.. but here is something cool. I have never really seen love bugs before and they are all over the place down here. kind of annoying, but cool. Also! There was this crazy huge flying cockroach at the home of one of the people we were visiting. it was huge..and after several attempts to kill it.. it died. I sent a picture. it is kind from far away because i was scared it would come back to life again..and it did. ha

Well I hope you have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Urie

The Ten Commandments in Cajen..
1. God is da number one... and das' All.
( I will put one each week!)
Tracting Tips: we mad 18 cents this week! crazy! We walked by this one house after we found this awesome lady and there were a million penny's on the ground.. i was worried for a moment that it might be stealing.. but.. I do not think so. please do not judge.
Scripture: How can a belief in Jesus Christ help me? read Alma 36 in The Book of Mormon!

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